10 plants from seed that look alike

no clue

Well-Known Member
I am kind of impressed that these fem seeds are like duplicates. These are sold as feminized F1s and I have no reason to doubt that. Is this common?DSC00071.JPG


bud bootlegger
they're still a bit young yet to really say much about them.. sure, they might look identical now, but once they hit flower, some might stretch more, some might take longer, some might finish sooner, so on and so on..
plants that are pretty identical is a pretty good sign though, so long as they're all identical and good that is..


Well-Known Member
Well bred lines will be pretty similar output in terms of plants. Most crosses you see today are polyhybrids with no stability. Take two IBL's and cross them and you will get stability and usually a nice quality plant too (assuming the qualities show that you wanted to show).


Well-Known Member
I can still see some variation in them, mainly in the leaves and structure. They do look damn close though and as racerboy has said, its flowering where you'll see the differences :)


Well-Known Member
Just like Eastcoast said there are some variations but you won't really know for sure till further down the line but it's good that they're showing stability. The girls are looking mighty good and healthy. Keep up the work and you will be rewarded with beautiful plants


Well-Known Member
Well bred lines will be pretty similar output in terms of plants. Most crosses you see today are polyhybrids with no stability. Take two IBL's and cross them and you will get stability and usually a nice quality plant too (assuming the qualities show that you wanted to show).
Hit the Mendelian genetics nail right on the head. Two IBL parents (homozygous, same alleles) will create an F1 generation that is completely uniform. It is my understanding that this true F1 will show amazing hybrid vigor. Two, or even one non-IBL parent (heterozygous, different alleles) and your phenotype expression is all over the place.

Most breeders, imo, just don't have the time to do real breeding for uniform F1's and hybrid vigor. Most latch onto a dude, and hit every clone only or pretty pheno they can get their hands on with said dude's pollen. They send out testers, and six months later, "tested" seeds being sold for a premium.


Well-Known Member
the one in the middle is going to have a different structure, it looks to have more of a single cola than the bushy look of the rest. but you have to love the way they are all very close so far. who`s genetics are they?

no clue

Well-Known Member
the one in the middle is going to have a different structure, it looks to have more of a single cola than the bushy look of the rest. but you have to love the way they are all very close so far. who`s genetics are they?
Good eye. The middle one Is the only one I didn't top. These beans are from Sensiseeds..


Well-Known Member
i was really hoping it would be some of the new breeders stock, you got to have dreams. but that aint going to happen with the whole flavor of the week take over of breeding.<--------my way of saying polyhybrids..........


Well-Known Member
I think it's easy for all of us to bitch, but we buy what supports bad habits. I also think since we aren't actively scrounging around the world, looking for good cultivated cannabis, we are dependent on the work of others.

It's hard enough when a huge market is simply S1 famous strians, and I'd love to know what is more of the market place now, but people don't support the work they claim to. If people really wanted F1, they'd be buying from the few breeders that do it.

I'm fine with good F1 even using poly hybrids as parents. Usually if they are far enough apart, some consistency is present.