10 Things YOU Would Do FIRST If You Were President


Well-Known Member
Okay, so, before UncleBuck has a heart attack (:)) I thought I would change gears here in the political section. Rather than us bickering about what other people are doing/going to do with the power they shouldn't have, let's talk about what YOU would do if you were President of the United States.

Here are the rules:
  • Lay out your 10 things using the numbered bullet points. They are a built in function so there is no excuse for not using them :) Keep it clear. Think of this more like a title. Try to do it in order of importance, but I don't give a shit about that.
Follow up with no more than a 4-5 sentence paragraph of explanation. Don't use some long drawn out political bullshit. We get enough of that shit from politicians and we only want to know where and why you have that position.

Example said:
  1. End The Federal Reserve
Because I hate it.
  • After the 10 things, I want everyone to list ONE thing with another short description that the government could do (or not do) that would make you happy TODAY.

  • Finally, I want EVERYONE to post at least TWO things that Barrack Obama has done as President that you LIKE, and TWO things you wish he would have done differently.

FINAL RULE: I give permission (if that is even necessary) for the mods to delete any post that includes 'Vote [insert candidate here]' posts or the similar. This is non-partisan thread, folks.

I will post mine soon enough. If this doesn't get some actual intellectual conversation going than I give the fuck up.:leaf:


Well-Known Member
1. Eliminate the department of education. Give that to the states to administer.
2. Institute a 15% flat tax for personal, and corporate taxes. NO loopholes, everyone pays something.
3. Remove Marijuana from schedule 1 status to way the fuck down the schedule. Na, just remove it from the schedule altogether!
4. Eliminate nearly all foreign aid. Nobody appreciates it anyway.
5. Build an electrified fence across our southern border.
6. Revamp the immigration laws in this country. This is the real problem with illegal immigration.
7. End earmarks. Shoot any lawmaker that mentions them again. If its not worth a vote then it's not worth doing.
8. End deficit spending. We should not be in debt that could not be paid back in 5 years.
9. Outlaw lobbying. They have ran our government long enough.
10. Cut the entire federal budget by 25%


Well-Known Member
1. End throwing money at fighting aids in other countries.
We have American kids starving HERE.
2. Open up these huge banks books so we can see what really happened.
I think a lot of US would like to know why things got to here.
3. End this two party gridlock.
The last few times I have voted, I voted for the lesser of two evils.
4. Start rebuilding our roads and bridges.
Our men need work and we have plenty of broken things to fix.
5. Look at and redifine our drug laws.
Our prisons are filled with people who were in possession of a plant that's nuts.
6. Stop all these little deals with Mexican drug cartels.
Nobody buys the excuse for fast and furious do they?
7. Reinstate the consitution.
The rules we live by are slipping away.
8. Stop all this insider deals and lobbying stuff.
It's not for the people anymore its for who can pay more.
9. Stop the misuse of public funds.
Ie these vacations costing millions while citizens are starving.
10. Look into the federal reserve.
I don't know enough to hate it but it sure smells funny.
I guess I misread the op. So a paragraph is not neccessary.

One thing the government could do right now would be to stop acting like children and get some progress in our land again.
As for Obama I rather liked parts of his jobs bill parts of it. As well as well that's really about all sorry.
Two things I disliked were this individual mandate non sense as well as him being the poster child for this do nothing and blame the other guy crappy in congress (both sides are guilty imo)


Well-Known Member
1. Eliminate the department of education. Give that to the states to administer.
2. Institute a 15% flat tax for personal, and corporate taxes. NO loopholes, everyone pays something.
3. Remove Marijuana from schedule 1 status to way the fuck down the schedule. Na, just remove it from the schedule altogether!
4. Eliminate nearly all foreign aid. Nobody appreciates it anyway.
5. Build an electrified fence across our southern border.
6. Revamp the immigration laws in this country. This is the real problem with illegal immigration.
7. End earmarks. Shoot any lawmaker that mentions them again. If its not worth a vote then it's not worth doing.
8. End deficit spending. We should not be in debt that could not be paid back in 5 years.
9. Outlaw lobbying. They have ran our government long enough.
10. Cut the entire federal budget by 25%
Crap I already fail, sorry I didn't use the bullets.:shock:


Well-Known Member
1. masturbate on air force one.
2. upper deckers in as many bathrooms as my bowels could handle.
3. interns.
4. prank call some foreign leaders.
5. interns.
6. fake heart attack or medical emergency, let the story simmer, then tell the nation i trolled them.
7. interns.
8. grow out beard, refrain from bathing, let appearance go and try to go around unnoticed in prominent places.
9. address the nation about the importance of underwater basket weaving. 4 1/2 hour long televised address.
10. more interns.


Well-Known Member
1. Immediately end the war on drugs and treat people addicted to drugs instead of incarcerate them. If someone breaks the law while under the influence of any substance more than once, automatic mandatory drug treatment, including drug tests and mandatory prohibition from said drug for at least 6 months. This includes tobacco, alcohol, caffeine, anything.

-I feel this would save/make us money, provide safe ways to regulate substances people are going to use anyway and provide incentive not to commit crime under the influence.

2. Substantially decrease the budge of the defense department and pull all troops off foreign soil.

-Saves us money, saves American lives, keeps the next generations of people from automatically despising us the moment they're born.

3. Allocate the $300 Billion I just made us in a way that ensures every single American citizen has access to clean water, food and shelter every single day of their life they live and work in the United States. Call me a socialist, so be it. We have four times as much as we need on an individual level, 65% of us are overweight, 33% obese. Kill two birds with one stone.

4. 100% paid for higher education. It benefits our entire country having a more intelligent population.

5. End lobbying, corporatism and crony capitalism in every sector of government.

6. Restrict politicians salaries to $80,000-$100,000 and 2 year term limits across the board. How can someone whose completely out of touch with the middle class possibly know what's best for them?

7. Via my top scientific adviser, I would have him and his 10 man team select 100 national scientific/medical programs to fund ensuring advancements in every major field within two decades translating to innovation and achievement the likes of which the country has never seen before.

8. Repeal "No child left behind" "the Patriot act", this new internet watchdog act, and any other bullshit acts our corrupts officials have passed the past 2 decades.

9. 100% free healthcare for every American citizen.

10. Fix illegal immigration.

There are definitely more than 10 things that need to get done to fix this shithole, but that would be a good start.


New Member
Ill be brief..

  • Fire Eric Holder
  • Do what I can to Bring Back Glass Steagle If I could and Repeal citizens united
  • End the Police State..Starting with the Patriot Act and NDA.
  • Pardon All non-violent criminals from prison and order that the drug war stop.
  • Fire everyone thats associated with Goldman Sachs and JP morgan.
  • Make the Fed Bailout the People and then End the FED.
  • Bring the troops home.
  • Do everything in my power to get corporations out of politics.
  • Do everything in my power to take down Big Pharma and the oil companies a peg.
  • Legalize the constitution and the bill of rights.
  • Order corporations and government to leave people the fuck alone or face the consequences of a drone strike lol
  • Fire every cocksucking lawyer I can get my hands on.
  • Eliminate all income taxes.
  • Public Humiliation of Al gore and all other NWO Thugs
  • End Embargo with Cuba
  • Fire Eric Holder Again


Well-Known Member
Ill be brief..
  • Fire Eric Holder
  • Do what I can to Bring Back Glass Steagle If I could and Repeal citizens united
  • End the Police State..Starting with the Patriot Act and NDA.
  • Pardon All non-violent criminals from prison and order that the drug war stop.
  • Fire everyone thats associated with Goldman Sachs and JP morgan.
  • Make the Fed Bailout the People and then End the FED.
  • Bring the troops home.
  • Do everything in my power to get corporations out of politics.
  • Do everything in my power to take down Big Pharma and the oil companies a peg.
  • Legalize the constitution and the bill of rights.
  • Order corporations and government to leave people the fuck alone or face the consequences of a drone strike lol
  • Fire every cocksucking lawyer I can get my hands on.
  • Eliminate all income taxes.
  • Public Execution of Al gore and all other NWO Thugs
  • End Embargo with Cuba
  • Fire Eric Holder Again

i almost had to press the 'like' button. so close.


Well-Known Member
Education, medical care, food, water, shelter. Am I alone in thinking these things should be 100% free?

Would you mind paying taxes (not more in taxes, just allocated differently, instead of your money going towards killing innocent people it goes towards this stuff) to provide your fellow citizens with these things?


Well-Known Member
Education, medical care, food, water, shelter. Am I alone in thinking these things should be 100% free?

Would you mind paying taxes (not more in taxes, just allocated differently, instead of your money going towards killing innocent people it goes towards this stuff) to provide your fellow citizens with these things?
Trust me, you'll start an entitlement state. Make those things free to taxpayers and productive members of society only, we've found over here it produces alot of leeches who have never worked and never intend to work cos they don't have to.


Well-Known Member
  • Single term position limits on all of Congress, no more lifetime pigs at the trough. Serving your country is a duty, not a easy way to get rich
  • Supreme court members get voted on by general election, no more presidential trickery
  • Elimination of the federal reserve, a $4 billion dollar payment to purchase back the charter will do it, it is written into law that way right now
  • Congress will defer to the US Constitution as to how to run the monetary system
  • Anything not 100% Constitutional will be eliminated, goodbye SS, Medicare, Medicaid, Depts of energy, education, housing etc etc etc all gone
  • Eliminate the Income tax, your labor belongs to you, not some dude in Washington who never spent a minute trying to budget something
  • Eliminate any law that gives some segment of society a protected status with more privileges than the rest of the Citizens (Affirm Action, Hate Crimes etc etc)
  • New law requiring Congress to carry a budget SURPLUS every year for a rainy day, enough of this spending every penny and then spending 3 more that was borrowed
  • Law eliminating Fractional Reserve banking, money will be 100% funded from now on
  • Ending of the Drug war, its very easily proven that the legal drug (Alcohol) is the most dangerous drug of all

What COULD the government do today that would make me happy? Commit suicide.

Obama has done a few things I liked. He drinks beer, which is pretty blue collar. He also plays a good golf game, and I can appreciate that. As far as things I didn't like? well pretty much everything else. Seriously though he should be forced to give back his Nobel Peace prize, no way in hell does he deserve that.


Well-Known Member
Not in order of importance.
  • Decriminalize Marijuana for medical and personal use
  • Champion a flat tax with a standard cost of living exemption of $24k/401k tax deferment and dissolve the IRS
  • Gotta go with ND on spending the $4 billion to end the Fed
  • Work to pass legislation making it impossible for illegal aliens to secure income/easily done by a $50k reward for anyone (including the illegal alien that is hired) for turning in any individual or business that employs an illegal alien for any length of time. $50k is funded from the fine against the employer. No one would hire an illegal, deportation takes care of itself. Entire program costs NOTHING and ends virtually all future illegal immigration.
  • Systematically end Social Security/Encourage 401k investment with tax incentives
  • Dissolve Department of Education/return all authority to states
  • 72 hour rodeo fuck marathon with Casey Anthony, batshit crazy women make my dick hard
  • Eliminate the penny
  • Remove moratorium and open up exploration and acquisition of Oil, Natural Gas, Shale and any other natural energy sources at our disposal
  • End all foreign aid that isn't specifically humanitarian in nature until we have our own financial house in order
Too many more to list, but those are the ones that come to mind.


Well-Known Member
You guys are funny, the OP said to list 10 things you would do if you were PRESIDENT, not KING. I will presume that the Constitution were still in effect if anyone here was president.


Well-Known Member
You guys are funny, the OP said to list 10 things you would do if you were PRESIDENT, not KING. I will presume that the Constitution were still in effect if anyone here was president.
Most of the programs, departments and legislation I see being eliminated on these lists, were never allowed by the Constitution in the first place. Progressive courts stacked by progressive Presidents allowed it to begin, then more and more has been lumped on using the previous rulings as precedent. Righting wrongs and unwinding unconstitutional legislation that never should have been allowed in the first place is the path to this country's future prosperity.


Active Member

  • Ill be brief..
    • Fire Eric Holder
    • Do what I can to Bring Back Glass Steagle If I could and Repeal citizens united
    • End the Police State..Starting with the Patriot Act and NDA.
    • Pardon All non-violent criminals from prison and order that the drug war stop.
    • Fire everyone thats associated with Goldman Sachs and JP morgan.
    • Make the Fed Bailout the People and then End the FED.
    • Bring the troops home.
    • Do everything in my power to get corporations out of politics.
    • Do everything in my power to take down Big Pharma and the oil companies a peg.
    • Legalize the constitution and the bill of rights.
    • Order corporations and government to leave people the fuck alone or face the consequences of a drone strike lol
    • Fire every cocksucking lawyer I can get my hands on.
    • Eliminate all income taxes.
    • Public Humiliation of Al gore and all other NWO Thugs
    • End Embargo with Cuba
    • Fire Eric Holder Again
    - Deprave


i almost had to press the 'like' button. so close.
Except for one or two items I do indeed have to press the like button for Deprave.

WTF , my copy / paste broke........ that or I medicated a little too long. :peace: