10 to 12C to low for curing?


Well-Known Member
Got a frigde and it doesnt really go higher than 13C on lowest setting. 12C too cold? Ive been using a small room with aircon and been keeping temps at around 16C but a fridge is much cheaper to store a few dozen liters of buds.


Well-Known Member
Anyone got any light to shed on this issue?

Been keeping plant material at those temps and the smell is just like a concentrated version of what the plant smelled like when growing.
You should always dry your buds first properly in other words no heaters or freezers just 50/60 RH temps ranging between 20 degrees celcius and 24 degrees celcius then when the branches snap with out bending there then ready to be cured in mason jars air tight in a dark envirOment burped a few times a day then slow it down to once then when there cured nicely you can start storing in fridges for 2 years plus happy toking and stay sharp and read read read best advice


Well-Known Member
but seriously...
i feel like ive talked to you about curing.
this method can work.. honestly i dont feel like converting c to f..
idk what temp that is, it just takes longer. as long as rh is good and it gets decent airflow. remember how the cure works .. enzymatic activity and plant processes are slowed at low temps
Low temps almost stilts the curing process if you don't know temps buy a hygrometer it is wonderful piece of kit we all as growers know or should know something about temps or you would just f U.K. Up its common sense tbh