10 Weeks tomorrow close to harvest?


Looks about done to me the white hairs are not sticking out as much and most are brown, trichs are mostly cloudy but would like a couple other options since this is my first time getting this far. I don't know the strain was some 2 year old bag seed from medical script I had.photo 3 (1).JPG photo.JPG


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Well-Known Member
Looking good -- if you can check the trichomes, that would help. Otherwise I'd say give it the two that Homerbud is suggesting. But you're real close for sure. Those nice sativa leaves tell me that this is a longer-flowering strain. If it's been 10 weeks since flip, you'll benefit from two more.


Looking good -- if you can check the trichomes, that would help. Otherwise I'd say give it the two that Homerbud is suggesting. But you're real close for sure. Those nice sativa leaves tell me that this is a longer-flowering strain. If it's been 10 weeks since flip, you'll benefit from two more.

Thanks, it has been 10 since flip took about 10 days to show sex though. This is probably a hybrid as that is pretty much all a bought back then. I just checked trichs again today the lower buds are not as far along as the top. At least I got a clone growing so I know now that this is a 10-12 probably. I grabbed a nugget off her about a week ago that will hold me for a while as it's pretty nice now that it's been dried and small cure for a week. I dried for 4 days then through in a jar for 3 got's a nice smell and decent taste though no hay smell or taste which is good.


Well-Known Member
Excellent. I don't get too uptight about upper/lower buds. I grow indoors in my apartment, so I need to harvest the whole plant at one time. I just go when the top/mid colas are ready and those go in a jar labeled "best". The rest I put in another jar and make sure I smoke that first so I'm working my way up, not down. :)