100% Sativa Strains


Well-Known Member
Honestly I bought a pack of Skunk Haze because of all his ranting. Sure that was not the only reason but I figure if this crazy fucker has smoked some serious top notch strains, not like were used to but stressed as fuck and in 20 oz cups.... I'm not sure what he calls good buzz (actually we all know its not couchlock), I have my ideas. Anyway if he can get that worked up over immature stressed out uncured sativas then what the hell, lets give this shit a try.


Well-Known Member
My Sannie's Jack Herrer grew a lot like an indica but the effect was mostly sativa. Not the strongest pot, but a very unique high. Good energy and ability to concentrate. Great visual element.
I'm about to show my age but back in the early 80's I used to get Maui Wowi from a friend that was attending school in Hawaii & would send it to me concealed inside of books. It was the best high, loaded with energy & made my creative side go into overdrive. I'm a month into my first grow & of course I'm growing some Maui I got from Nirvana seed bank. I hope comes close to that old school Maui.:weed: