$100 USD for an oz??

I'm actual pretty happy with this oz. been talking to some friends about it and it's well worth the $100. the picture really doesn't do it justice. it's not mexi brick weed trust me. I say it's high mids and it's pretty sticky :-)

I'm happy for you that you can get ripped off of low quality brick weed. Hell I wish I was that lucky... I would have to smoke a dime of that just to get a slight buzz.. Trust me I've been there, not to long ago even. But even still, its cool to get a zip for 100. People around my area try and charge 125 for that same kind of bud. I have no doubt that it was probably a bit sticky, bud has a tendency to be that way. But I also bet it was hard as a rock and crumbled when you broke it up. Probably burnt real fast too. All signs of brick weed. Enjoy it though, I would go through the whole zip in 3 days.
I'm happy for you that you can get ripped off of low quality brick weed. Hell I wish I was that lucky... I would have to smoke a dime of that just to get a slight buzz.. Trust me I've been there, not to long ago even. But even still, its cool to get a zip for 100. People around my area try and charge 125 for that same kind of bud. I have no doubt that it was probably a bit sticky, bud has a tendency to be that way. But I also bet it was hard as a rock and crumbled when you broke it up. Probably burnt real fast too. All signs of brick weed. Enjoy it though, I would go through the whole zip in 3 days.
why are u so God dam negative. I'm happy for what I got for $100. heck I can sell 6 or 7g just to make my money back and have plenty of weed left for me. and all signs of brick weed? how would u know. I know what brick weed is and trust me this is not. the picture does not do it justice
Whoa buddy take a deep breath .if your happy we are all happy for you! It looks alot like brick weed , stress homie not all stress is garbage one time i was able to get some light green man it was kill broken up it looked like chronic . I bought a half i for 25 30 min later i swooped by for a fat 50 dollar oz im in cali tho those are standard prices for stress. Shit nowadays u can get an oz of chronic for 60 bucks here anyway thats either stress or moldy premie.which is pretty much american grown stress. Be carefull if its killing your lungs its not cuz its fire that kind of weed can get you sick! Not hating good luck!
why are u so God dam negative. I'm happy for what I got for $100. heck I can sell 6 or 7g just to make my money back and have plenty of weed left for me. and all signs of brick weed? how would u know. I know what brick weed is and trust me this is not. the picture does not do it justice
Not sure how I was being negative just said I was happy for you. With a little info on brick weed. All I'm saying is I'm glad u can get high off it cause I would hardly get a bUzz from it. Smoke some of that "bomb" ass weed u got and chill.
i live in pa....i personally would NEVER smoke bud that looks like this...nor would I pay 100 per zip for it....like someone else said though..most here are growers, not buyers...again. never buy anything without smoking it first...good luck

ps. I am not trying to hate, its just my opinion and experience... if that is OK for you and you enjoy it, that is all that matters


Yup. Ask for 1/4 gram to sample before decision on purchase.
Glad you're happy with it. Just bear in mind that once you get over the initial investment you'll be paying less than $20/oz for far superior bud.
Whoa buddy take a deep breath .if your happy we are all happy for you! It looks alot like brick weed , stress homie not all stress is garbage one time i was able to get some light green man it was kill broken up it looked like chronic . I bought a half i for 25 30 min later i swooped by for a fat 50 dollar oz im in cali tho those are standard prices for stress. Shit nowadays u can get an oz of chronic for 60 bucks here anyway thats either stress or moldy premie.which is pretty much american grown stress. Be carefull if its killing your lungs its not cuz its fire that kind of weed can get you sick! Not hating good luck!
I remember when I was younger and used to get fire ass bud and it made you cough your ass off and thought it was natural for that to happen with "dro"Kind"KB" then I grew up and wanted to grow my own and studied on how to do so. During this process I found out that the real reason you cough is because of the bud not being properly cured and the sugars and chlorophyll had not been broken down. It was amazing to get my first harvest and slow dry and cure it for 2 weeks before trying it and WOW, no cough and so much flavor dancing on my tongue during the exhale and I was fucking ripped off one hit.

When I was a child, I spoke as child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things. Like drug dealers having your best interest at heart. :lol:

I think what I have learned the most from this site is how to have patience with the uninformed and the obstinately..
I think i'm going to start referring to marijuana by random meaningless names loosely related to it's quality. Gonna go smoke some turbo.
I don't know why people don't sample the weed first? Would you buy a used car without a test drive. An OZ is an investment. Never give someone your money without proper knowledge of the product.

On that note 100$ an oz in ca can get you some primo top shelf (if you know the right people ) But then it is Cali ...everyone seems to grow now. :weed: it