100 watt hps bulb..?


New Member
okay.. i have a 100 watt hps bulb and two 50 watt hps bulbs..but i cant find a system or lighting thing to light up the bulbs.. the lowest system/ballast i see if for 250 watt bulbs.. .can some one tell me where to find one?

..and would that be enough light (200 watt atogether) for flowering? my space is 3 x 4


Well-Known Member
you can get the small systems at home depot 50, 70 and 100 watters. bad part is u cannot pump air thru the fixture to cool the system so u will be dealing with heat buildup probs. also for 12 sq ft you need approx. 30,000 lumens min for good lighting with what you have each 50 watter is 4000 lmns ea and the 100 is about 8500 so ur short 14k lumens. if ur gonna go cheapo get urself a 400 watt hps from home depot online it will give u 50k lmns but you will still have a heat build up prob. hope this helps


Well-Known Member
yeah it would definately help also if u manufacture some cheap Co2 you can run temps as high as 88-90 and it'll be fine. Go to Home Depot in the outdoor lighting section 50 watthps --35.00 70 wat hps--50-59.00 HD online you can find the 150 200 and 400 watt Hps lites for cheap also. Good luck bro


Active Member
hi matey,
just do what you have and learn from it then invest in some proper lighting once youhave the experience#


Well-Known Member
I have a 70w HPS and mine doesn't require a ballast if you got the security lighting. Those run very cool. If your exhaust system is set up well enough with fans an proper positioning you should be ok.


Well-Known Member
not to be a bitch, but technically the ballast is inside the security light - you cannot direct wire a HID bulb/socket