100 watt incandescent?


Well-Known Member
MJ3 the best way to grow your plants fast is definately the candles, pitch that hps
And the best way to get high is to make your plants into oil, fill your car/trucks gastank with it, get it running and put your mouth on the tailpipe
Or sit in the car and run a hose from the exhaust into the cab through the window
Let me know how it works!


Well-Known Member
mj3 the best way to grow your plants fast is definately the candles, pitch that hps
and the best way to get high is to make your plants into oil, fill your car/trucks gastank with it, get it running and put your mouth on the tailpipe
or sit in the car and run a hose from the exhaust into the cab through the window
let me know how it works!


Active Member
Originally Posted by ismokepotbecauseitscool
mj3 the best way to grow your plants fast is definately the candles, pitch that hps
and the best way to get high is to make your plants into oil, fill your car/trucks gastank with it, get it running and put your mouth on the tailpipe
or sit in the car and run a hose from the exhaust into the cab through the window
let me know how it works!



but a exhaust pipe. then pass out on your plant for the 12/ 12 effect.


Well-Known Member
use your cell phone light. makes your buds beefy.

- rep for not know knowing that.
I put a bucket in the front yard today to collect sunshine. Im going to go get it right now, I can't wait to see how much sunshine I collected. How many Lumens are in 5 Gallons again?


Active Member
I have come to realize from internet forums that intelligence is inversely proportional to the number of punctuation marks you use in a row, to the power of the grammatical rules you break by their insertion.

I = k / (# of !'s, ?'s, etc.)^(broken rules)

where k is an empirically determined constant.

Ha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That,, was funny as fuck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
i love trolls

you know whats also good?
shitting all over your plants make sure you get it all over the leaves it will absorb into the leaves and will make your plant taste great!


Well-Known Member
lol I just got really high and read this whole thread. That was really fucking hilarious. +rep to everyone just for making me laugh my ass off.


Well-Known Member
So I ask serious questions about my first time grow, and this is where all the responses go? Fake & lame ass questions!!!
cmon guys we are here to grow and learn not answer this bull shit.
Oh! just so you know bud grows best!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! under a HID lamp.

No, you are wrong, wrong, wrong. Bud grows best under the sun and there should be NO argument there, but I am sure I will hear some. I spose I get a neg too? Oh well, I don't know what use they are anyway. Can I spend them, smoke them or eat them? Then if not, I don't care about them.

Good Luck ya'll, this has been a hilarious thread!


Well-Known Member
The sun puts out 1,000,000 lummens of power per sq/ft. NOTHING WILL EVER BEAT THE SUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I won't argue with you flabbyone, your exactly correct.


Well-Known Member
I actually collect sunlight in little jars in my back yard, then use it in my room for supplemental lighting.


Well-Known Member
What if I use a 100 birthday candles, or better yet christmas lights... mine can evn cycle throug hone colour at a time...

For flowering I will attract a swarm of fireflies... just got to get the fire extinguisher checked first.

*coughing fit*


Well-Known Member
The sun puts out 1,000,000 lummens of power per sq/ft. NOTHING WILL EVER BEAT THE SUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I won't argue with you flabbyone, your exactly correct.
Absolutely positively WRONG. I know 1,000,000 is a great number to throw around but it is closer to 10,000 lumens per sq/ft or 1% of 1,000,000.
There is so much misinformation out there why add to it?
Even George Cervantes/ george Van Patten says a HID with a timer may better that the sun. The sun however is more efficient as it is free.

To put it in perspective a 400w MH that puts out 35000 lumens at 1 foot puts out 3.5 X brighter light than the sun (at one foot)


Well-Known Member
Are we getting these pictures then or what mr natural?
put the computer screen facing your plant too, the light will boost and the stages of growth
Haha funny thread


Well-Known Member
Ive got a hose pipe, 1 end outside facing the sun and the other end in my grow room, works fuken wonders!


Well-Known Member
Fauck, I wish I wasn't such a tree hugger... I'm having a hard time biteing on a 400 to 1000W light burning for hours on end just so I can live.

Baz, You shoud put a small computer fan on the inside of the pipe to draw more light through :P
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