Ive been researching for a few weeks and instead of things getting clearer...im more confused. idk what is better. example. lighting. ive read so many articles about different light bulbs and how they have different "colors". idk what is best. i will be growing indoors. i have roughly a grand to spend on my setup. can someone point me in the right direction? idk if i should use soil or hydroponics. right now im leaning towards hydroponics...but again...theres soooo many different ones ive seen online....ranging from a few hundred to thousands. should i built my own? buy one already built? HELP !!
Keep it simple.
This is what I did when I started. $1000 budget is good.
1) Metal Halide ballast and Bulb for Veg
2) MPS ballast and bulb for flower
3) two small grow tents one for veg one for flower
4) 4 small 7" fans (2 for veg room and 2 for flower room)
4) Happy frog soil (no need for additional aftermarket additives)
5) Pots
6) Fox Farm nuetrients
7) A nice seed genetic from the Attitude
seed bank.
Done. This will get you growing nice plants. Everything can be found on ebay and will cost you around $1000. The soil and pots can be bought locally. As you grow you will become more experienced and can tweak your grow from there. The great thing about this list is its also organic