1000 W MH question



I am planning on vegging my plants under a magnum XXXL reflector with a 1000 watt metal halide. I have grown under T5 flourescents in the past. Im ready to transplant my seedlings into 5 gal buckets and put under the MH. My question is in regards to the height/spacing of the lights over the plants. How high should I have the reflector over the plants without burning the piss out of them, I also dont want them to stretch; this was never an issue with the flourescents...

Thanks in advance!


Active Member
Height and spacing depend on context and plants. Each setup will have a sweet spot that works best. This will change as the plants grow.

But I am curious about the major jump in light source. I veg with 1000 watts of mixed lights and bud with 5000 watts of mixed light. I have to be careful in planning as the veg table will produce fully twice as many plants as my budroom will hold over any given month.

Ceiling and airflow are big factors for heat, radical change from fluorescents and advice is irrelevant without knowing more factors like these.

The old 'hold your hand over the plant, does it burn?' method is about the only resort until more information is forthcoming.


Active Member
Im vegging with the same thing, 1000 watt MH with XXXL magnum hood, Honestly, i keep my plants right up to the glass dam near, usually 10 inches away is perfect. I have great air flow and intake so my room is perfect temp, like the guy said in the last post, use the hand trick, if it doesnt burn the back of your hand then your plants should be fine, keep new cuttings and seedling farther away tho, like much farther away, you will kill them with direct 1000 mh, i usually wait til 4the pair of leaves grow to start pumping lumens onto it. GOOD LUCK


I have plenty of air flow i think. I have a standing oscilitating fan and a box fan in the room (room is approx 10x10 and is in the cellar, cold is usually the main issue)also a can fan with carbon filter. I am going to run two HPS 1000 for the flowering but since I have a switchable ballast/MH bulb I wanted to give it a shot.

What can I expect using the MH over the Flo???


Active Member
should expect them to grow like a weed. if youre concerned about the light, start high and work it down til your comfortable. "growit4c" is right. DO NOT give clones or seelings too much light. it will kill them. good luck