1000 Watt Light for 4x4x6.5 grow room?


Active Member
it is an icebok/heat sheld,my gardener sells them,he keeps his 1000 watt light 12in from plants,at all times.i mean http://www.hydroinnovations.com/product1.htm is growing orcids right now,but i think he gots it down,ill have pics of his set-up in a few days.check the link out,click on our product,to find out more bout icebox


Well-Known Member
i'm running a 1000 hps in a closet the same size. aircooled reflector with a window a/c unit. no problems.


i have a 4 by7 by7 with 2 600 hps but also have a 450cfm blower cooling them and heat is still a problem i have to run ac 24/7 in summer


i'm running a 1000 hps in a closet the same size. aircooled reflector with a window a/c unit. no problems.
Kevin Any pics of your setup?
I'd like to compare and see if this is a risk worth taking. If you're having no problems, show me the way!

smoking chef

Well-Known Member
Dont tell me no way because I have done it. As long as your hood is sealed and your sucking enough air thru and exhausting outside the tent or room no problems. Light can be 12 inches from glass no worries.


Well-Known Member
i was going to run the 400 and the 1000 at the same time, after 3 days i started to see bleaching