1000w Ceramic Metal Halide Bulbs? Will these work?


Active Member
It has a cri of 65.... the cmh have a cri of 90.... I would like to see a na spectrum sheet on this bulb.... cant seem to find one.... would be great if it did have a spectrum of the smaller 400w cmh.... its cheap! I looked up the philips part number from that link and it doesnt state ceramic... just a switch start ... but hey,,, im going to contact philips and get a spectrum sheet... Good find Dj... maybe..


Well-Known Member
hey frogster there is an image in my trichs album that i found that is similar to your avatar.

if you want to use it...


Well-Known Member
I just read a review on a 600w cmh. Unfortunently the person reviewing it(a magazine contributor) didn't know anything about cmh and was only using it for veg. I couldn't say how they compare to the 400w ones. I use a 400cmh and a 600 hps, but would love a 600w cmh that was just like the 400 with more light. Hell even a 1k i would love.