1000w flower 600w veg 8 strains organic soil grow. lets see how this goes

which strain are you watching?

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One thing I left out from my cloning technique was the way I make the cut. Cut the stem on an angle 45% or something close but make that cut right below a set of leaves leaving 1/2inch. Now split the stem in half going up towards the leaves about ¼ inch away and ¼ inch of split. Cut the leaves off in the same manner 1/4inch of split on both sides. This gives multiple sites for roots to grow. Dip the cutting in Stim-root NO#1, ping the extra powder off with finger, shove it in dry soil and add drops of water.

I don’t mist, don’t ph water, don’t worry about the size ofcutting (as long as it has a set of leaves to cut off), don’t use anything other than the stim-root, but temps, light, sterile tools and hands and the right moisture are important. I use b'cuzz hydromix hp soil, well water is 93ppms and ph is 8.3 but the soil fixes everything till I have roots, tranplant to bigger pots, then I ph the water. I never use any nutes with that soil till the plant gets 6inch or so on the third week from taking from the mother.


Well-Known Member
i have tried from complex to simple lol....

dual bucket aerocloner.....failed

10 gal aero cloner tote...failed


cupwith just water, cut clone and throw it in...failed.

onto rapid rooter plugs...

not all of these have failed completly but definatly not the 100% sucess rate i want.

as far as the clonign solution...im pretty sure they all have the same shit in them..i am prob wrong though...anyways i got some gel now and am going to try that out. also want to get them into a warmer enviorment. I guess time will tell.

oh and i do cut 45 degree angle about 1/2 inch below a node (or leaf set) and cut off the leaves at that set. i have tried slicing it up the middle and never seemed to make much of a difference. i lightly scrape the end of the stem with the razor.....ugg. as long as 1 of each pull through ill be happy but i dont want to flower anything till clones are all set.


Active Member
i have tried from complex to simple lol....

dual bucket aerocloner.....failed

10 gal aero cloner tote...failed


cupwith just water, cut clone and throw it in...failed.

onto rapid rooter plugs...

not all of these have failed completly but definatly not the 100% sucess rate i want.

as far as the clonign solution...im pretty sure they all have the same shit in them..i am prob wrong though...anyways i got some gel now and am going to try that out. also want to get them into a warmer enviorment. I guess time will tell.

oh and i do cut 45 degree angle about 1/2 inch below a node (or leaf set) and cut off the leaves at that set. i have tried slicing it up the middle and never seemed to make much of a difference. i lightly scrape the end of the stem with the razor.....ugg. as long as 1 of each pull through ill be happy but i dont want to flower anything till clones are all set.
All you have left to do now, cut back on the water used.


Active Member
The clone bed or media needs to be 75-85 degrees. That includes water in an aero cloner. I've been having trouble due to the winter so I bought an aquarium heater for the rez. We'll see how it works.


Well-Known Member
The clone bed or media needs to be 75-85 degrees. That includes water in an aero cloner. I've been having trouble due to the winter so I bought an aquarium heater for the rez. We'll see how it works.
i have a seedling heating mat, not using aero anymore. keep me posted on how that aquarium heater works im not opposed to setting the aero cloner back up if that was my isssue


Active Member
I think it's going to work just fine. I should know in less than a week. I got the idea from a thread by Huel Perkins. Not sure if I got the name right.


Active Member
Hey Matt..... Damn somehow I got unsubscribed but I'm back up..

Grow room is looking great man... loving the basil

You should run some parsley too man.. that shit is good for your prostate..

Anyhow sorry to hear the clones are giving you a hard time.. I took 4 cuttings my first attempt and only one survived.... funny enough the one that I thought I took too much off of was the one that survived so maybe like someone else suggest to trim them back more?

I'm going to try again this time and either do one more indoor run with my clones or depending on the time of year.. start them indoors and plant one or two outside around my tomato plants :D


Well-Known Member
alright my taxes have arrived. need to get some priorities paid off then will be looking into my carbon filter and fan and a 600w ballast!! i think thats about as far as im going to go for now. i have my PPM meter for my DWC and i have the PH drops, will be grabbing a PH pen soon to get a more accurate reading.

also going to order another gerneral organics GO box and that should keep me going through this harvest.

also going to be looking into some new genetics. was thinking of trying out jillybean by TGA and G13 pineapple express. only problem is i want to wait for a montly promo to get more free beans. :(

anyways, my seedling in the DWC should have shed its seed shell by now, if it hasnt ill be giving her a helping hand. the veg room will be getting a HPS bulb installed and switched back to 12/12 and ill be using the tent for the DWC.

not too sure what im doing about CO2 right now...i would love to get it in place but money runs out fast and i really need a new ballast and a carbon filter as once this veg room hits full scale bloom its going to be stinky as all hell.


Well-Known Member
Sounds good matt, i like to call it " aromatic " instead of stinky. Id make my whole house smell like that if i could lol :):):)


Well-Known Member
i have good ventilation, figure the bottle just give it a little extra...wanted to do a CO2 setup but thinking thats going to have to get cut from thre budget since i need a new ballast and some odor controll first.


Active Member
i have good ventilation, figure the bottle just give it a little extra...wanted to do a CO2 setup but thinking thats going to have to get cut from thre budget since i need a new ballast and some odor controll first.
Another option would be to spray your foilage with your AACT's many of the microbes promote opening of the stomata open for longer periods, thus increasing your CO2 uptake...


Well-Known Member
i dont think the PPM are high enough in the room to need to incease the uptake. would just deplete is faster with no real way to add more.


Well-Known Member
mini update.

my little blueberry gum seedling in my DWC bucket has opened its first little leaves up.....its not dead yet so thats a plus. I will be investing in a PH meter so i can make sure it is perfect range. i figured out that my TDS meter is off by around 200 ppm (it reads 250 when the actual ppm is 450) no biggie, ill look into calibrating that later but at least i know its off and can calculate in that extra 200 PPM.

ill get some pics tonight to post up, my 6x4 is a fkin jungle and i think ill be flipping tonight as i dont dare let them get any bigger. the DWC and seedling will be solo in the tent on 18/6 and hopefully under a 600w in the near future.


Well-Known Member
IMG_4891.jpgIMG_4890.jpgswitched to the HPS bulb today. kept the lights on 18/6. ill switch the lighting when i can get the tent setup for veg, prob tomorow.

heres a pic of the seedling in the DWC, happy i havent killed it yet.
