1000W HPS 75% sativa grow


Active Member
EDIT: After reading a sticky, I thought I would add that ANYONE is free to post their comments on this thread as they wish. This was something I had intended to be community oriented so please enjoy.

Greetings! I know it may be a bit late for a full "journal" but I have only recently joined the community. Things are pretty boring "around these parts," so I figured I would stop in and keep everyone updated on progress.

The project this time, is a strain handed down to me from my father. He has worked on this strain many years, and it is a big success both indoors and out (providing you have the height allowance indoors, as these girls like to get tall). I am currently at day 22 into the 12/12 cycle, and everything has looked great so far, minus one girl who had a Mg deficiency early on, but it has been corrected and is looking amazing now.

This strain is very heavily sativa dominant, and likes to get tall and thin (just like the super-models:lol::lol:). I regret not getting you pictures during the early stages, but it just wasn't something I was "in the mood for." The wait has been taking it's toll, as I like to veg to about 2 and a half to 3 feet (yes I know, quite tall for some indoor girls) and the flowering usually takes a good 10 weeks, sometimes more if they are stubborn.

The grow specs in their "cage" are as follows:
1000W HPS, I use the 1000W MH (conversion bulb) for their vegetative stage (vertical hang) which is preceded by 4, "four foot" fluoro tubes for the babies.
A 250 CFM rated inline fan, with a 4 inch ducted carbon filter attached.
The dimensions of said room are about 7x7x7 foot, which allows me plenty of room to let these girls stretch.

A little more information on the girls, as said previously they are some of my father's hard work over the years, passed down to me. Mostly sativa dominant with a very skunky/fruity tendency towards late bloom. I can fit about 8 of these girls at their size, with a bit of slight crowding. These girls do NOT like to be trained, topped, or any other sort of hands on approach... they like to do their own thing so to speak. "SO" I like to let them do so.

Currently planted in soil, in 5 gallon pots. About the same size as a bucket of drywall compound. The fan leaves on these girls really like to reach out and touch things as you will see , as I have some foliate pictures taken about a week-ish ago that were over 9 inches long at the time... Most likely 10 now.

I will be letting these girls go right untill maturity barring some unforeseen circumstances in the near future, so stay tuned. My mind is constantly with them as this is what brought me to the website.

This year I decided to try out some brand new nutes (to me anyways) that are called "Holland Micro, and Holland Bloom." I have previously been an Advanced Nutrients fan, specifically the Sensi Bloom A&B, with sweet leaf and carbo load tuned in as needed, but this time there will be none of that.

I hope you all stick around to see the progress, as this is a strain that means ALOT to me, and has been in the family since before I began growing.

Enjoy, as there is more to come!

(Did I mention this is my second post in the community) if not bare with me if I am a bit oldschool. I am from the old overgrow site and have yet to partake in any other online communities since it's demise.

The pictures I am posting will be of the previous two to three weeks, as well as some from just a day ago. A couple from veg phase that I have laying around are thrown in also. They will be in no particular order as I am new here and am yet to figure that out, so I hope it will not be an issue for you.

Yours - :leaf:W.I.S:leaf:

"P.S" ----- I will include some photos from last grow's harvest and late flowering, as to give you all an idea of what to look forward to! (I breed my own seeds EVERY GROW with this strain, as I have promised my father to keep the lineage going). The plants you are looking at are the kin of the ones you see that have been fully flowered.



Active Member
Thanks Chris! For something that requires no training they really do end up a heavy yielder. Has me excited for the weeks to come.