1000W light issue ...Please help !

everything has been going good .... till I noticed something Effed up happen today ...

I just switched to flower a week ago ....bubbleponics/DWC.... 14 plants under 1000W at 12/12 right now....

so they'd been up for almost 3 hours today ...and I was inspecting them for sex.... some of them are starting to show....

and for no reason ...My light turns off !!!! WTF ...it freaked me out ...i checked my timer (it's a digital one ) and I couldnt find any odd settings in it.... and my ballast isnt any hotter than normal ...I can put my hand on any side of it (hell , I have a small fan blowing directly on it ) and My Room temp is only reading 82 in the room .....

the Light came back on in a minute or so ...... and as I was trying to figure out WTF just happened .....about 12 minutes later ...it went off again !!!!!!!!!!!! (and came back on in a minute )

NOw Im wondering ...How often has this been going on ???

So .....What could this be ????? I dont even know where to start checking things...

Damn the light is only 10 days old.... the room is Not over Hot.... I COULD try and switch to a manual (not digital ) timer DO DIGITAL TIMERS GO BAD ?


I dont know what to do ...Im afraid this is going to Stress all my babies at this critical time

HELP !!...PLEASE !!! thanks in Advance...


Well-Known Member
Check your wiring. I believe there may be a short somewhere, which causes the unit to shut off to prevent damage to it.

HPS ballasts (some) automatically cycle. They turn off for about 5 minutes just to cool down. This is usually noticed on street lamps and other heavily used lighting.
check my wiring ???Like IN the ballast box ?(I dont think I want to open that thing up) My basic external wiring (ive already checked to make sure everything was plugged in solid...

I've spent lots of time in this room in the past week... more than an hour a day.... and this never had happened yet .... now today it happened twice in 10 minutes (BUT at a time of the day Im usually not in there....you know ?) so I dont know if it is ...I dont know what the Eff it is .... But You know these digital timers can be complex and confusing.... and THIS IS around the time of the day ...when I switched from 18/6 to 12/12 ....so Im scared that when I reprogrammed it a week ago ....that maybe there are 2 points in the timers memory where it's turning off or something ....

I think Im gonna throw a manual timer up there ...and spend Lots of time in there in the next day or two ...and observe....I' gotta figure out my sexes anyways ...and remove the identified males...

any more advice is welcome .... and thanks Dyzel
ok...so I wrote a note to the company I bought the light from ....and they said it's a defective one , and they're sending a new one.... cool (as long as i dont lose this whole crop over it .... shit ....

also Dyzel.... the more I thought about it .... I dont think ANY grow Light is supposed to shut off for 5 minutes to cool down .... wouldnt people be having messed up plants (stressed) and everything would turn hermie..... sorry , but I dont think what You said is right ....maybe for streetlights....but not growlights...