1000watt Headband and ATF Grow LST, w/ lots of pics!!


Well-Known Member
So here it is looks mighty tasty!!!


Howard Stern

Well-Known Member
Man those are looking fucking sick bro! :) You should have no problem saving up for your next grow place. You can always see on peoples first grow who reads the forums and spends the money on their grow and those who don't read the forums and put up pic's of twigs grown in their closet with a CFL! Looking great bro! :clap:


Well-Known Member
looking gorgeous!, how long left now then?. did you manage to get any new strains for your christmas present?


Well-Known Member
Man those are looking fucking sick bro! :) You should have no problem saving up for your next grow place. You can always see on peoples first grow who reads the forums and spends the money on their grow and those who don't read the forums and put up pic's of twigs grown in their closet with a CFL! Looking great bro! :clap:
Thanks howard, means a lot bro. Yes i have def. done my research and forked out the cash to get some decent bud!! I cants wait for harvest time.


Well-Known Member
looking gorgeous!, how long left now then?. did you manage to get any new strains for your christmas present?
well both strains say go 9 weeks but to be honest i might cut in the middle of week9 need the space and these should be looking fine by than.

No havent ordered any seeds yet waiting for attitude to do there next promo, i hope its going to be a good one!!


Well-Known Member
sorry didnt finish, lol. They just finished week 6 last sat. and are done in about 2 weeks maybe a little more!!


Well-Known Member
fuck my life!!!!

I found a seed pod :( and started looking harder and i found more what should i do cut them and put the ones i have in veg or let them flower longer!!


Well-Known Member
Fuck My life!!

So went out there tonight and found seed pods!

I think one of my plants went hermi and fert. the rest of them !!

Because last night there wasnt any at all on the headband and there were a few tonight!! So im pretty fucking pissed and dont know what to do!!

Should i chop them now and salvage what i got or should i let them grow for 2 more weeks when there suppose to be done there already looks like a lot of seed pods and i have plants i can put in the flowering room tonight if i wanted to!!
fuck up 004.jpgfuck up 003.jpg
will they produce more bud now or seeds since they are hermi!
none of the seed pods had hard seeds they were very new!!

Howard Stern

Well-Known Member
Well shit bro I would chop now. If you let them go they will just put energy into making seeds and you will have seeds that were from a hermi and that will produce more hermies. If you are looking to sell then I would chop now and just try to get the seeds out before you sell. If it is for you I would chop now and save some smoke. I had the same shit happen to me and I have some undeveloped seeds in some of my weed but it doesn't affect the smoke. It is up to you my friend but if you do chop make sure you find out what plant was the problem so you can maybe avoid this problem in the next grow. No biggie bro don't stress about it too much it is what it is! Just harvest and wipe your room with bleach water! Like I said I would track down what plant did this and see if it was from a dispenserie or not. Then you will be able to weed out the shitty strains.

Sorry to hear Phyre. :( But it is a part of growing. Mine went to seed also a lil bit and now you see why I want a wall in my two flower rooms to minimize problems like this. Hope all comes out good! Like I said though just chop and get the seeds out if you are going to sell, if you get it in time people wont notice it.


Active Member
sterns right bleach the room. I would make some bubble hash or edibles. suckers are my fav. and get the show going again bro.

Howard Stern

Well-Known Member
Ya it was the ATF i started to chop and cut i will let u guy see some pics when im done!!
Was it a hermi with balls or did it grow a polen banana from one of the buds? :mad: I feel for ya bro but give the bud a cure and smoke some. I garantee it will get you fucked up either way. Later bro we are getting high wids up here in Wa so if I lose power I hope all goes well.


Well-Known Member
ya so just got done it was the ATF-Bagseed that was hermie, i got the seeds from my bro so im pretty pissed but got a good amount really except for about half of one of the ATF just way over populated with seeds.

Any stuff that has to many seeds im going to make butter out off and make edibles!!!

oh well harvested a little early gonna wait until i get paid and transplant the other plants into 7gal, take clones and throw them in, after of course me wiping it down with bleach water!!

I wont be growing any of that ATF anymore, i love the strain but now i am turned to hate it due to it fucking up my shit!!!


Well-Known Member
man thats harsh, unlucky bro, that looks like it was gonna be killer bud too.
i suppose you are gonna jump on the ol' "don't use bagseeds" bandwagon, i can't say i blame you. at least you will learn from this anyway, keep a female mother and take cuttings, then its 100%fem (unless you fuck up and make it hermi) which i know you wont because these plants look very healthy. how bad are the other plants for seeds?


Active Member
Sorry to hear about the hermi bro. Dont ever grow bagseed, even if it comes from a great strain. If a bag has seeds in it, then it came from a hermi mother. Which means if you plant that bag seed, it will grow up to be a hermi mother too! First grows always are the hardest, thats were we make most of our mistakes. Trust me, I've had more than my fare share during my first grow. No worries bro.

Damn shame, that headband was looking so good. Still looks good at six weeks. Make sure to give that HB a real long cure to get the best results from it. You can make some killer honey oil or hash out of it.


Well-Known Member
Thanks guys ya i woke up this morning being clear headed and not blitz out of my mind, and was kinda sad that all that happened last night.

But oh well i never knew that about bagseed nowi know for sure it will never happen again, lol.

So oh well nothing i can do now but get high, cant wait for my next batch to go in, no bagseed there lol.

Well this stuff will last me until than, i found a dispencary that doesnt have any edibles so im going to make a bunch and sell them to them hopefully!!