100W flood bulb (incandescent)


Well-Known Member
here's the thing, i heard it can toast my plant
but, my fan only has one level (it's a heater/fan)
there is a high/low on the heat, but, the fan only has 1 option
that option is BLOW HARD & it lowers my grow rooms, temperature
& i mean, lowers it, to a pretty much, COLD room...

so, i was thinking, i use the 100W flood bulb (incandescent)
but, keep it maybe, 5-6 inches above the top of my plant?
& the fan will, keep the room from reaching hazardous degrees

does anyone disagree with this? i need some serious input, please...


Well-Known Member
here's the thing, i heard it can toast my plant
but, my fan only has one level (it's a heater/fan)
there is a high/low on the heat, but, the fan only has 1 option
that option is BLOW HARD & it lowers my grow rooms, temperature
& i mean, lowers it, to a pretty much, COLD room...

so, i was thinking, i use the 100W flood bulb (incandescent)
but, keep it maybe, 5-6 inches above the top of my plant ?..
& the fan will, keep the room from reaching hazardous degrees

does anyone disagree with this ?i need some serious input, please...
i tried one of those on my very first grow and it sucked, killed my plants... may have been other things too , but they looked pretty scorched


Well-Known Member
^ are you serious? did you have a fan, that could freeze your room?
not, literally freeze, but, to where if you were in there, it could give you a chill up your spine? lol


Well-Known Member
^ are you serious? did you have a fan, that could freeze your room?
not, literally freeze, but, to where if you were in there, it could give you a chill up your spine? lol
i just had a regular fan, they get mad hot tho.. like seriously hot. mine did anyway


Well-Known Member
If you insist on using that incandescent flood lamp you'll need to keep it more than 5"-6" from the tops of your plants. That thing is going to get hot as hell. To keep things safe, you'll probably need to keep it at least a foot or more from the tops of your plants. Honestly, you should ditch that light and get some more CFLs. Incandescents are terribly inefficient, produce way too much heat, and don't produce enough intensity of the right wavelengths. The pros just don't come close to outweighing the cons with this one.


Well-Known Member
yeah, i just got that idea, because of, how cold my room get, from my fan
but, i'm going to home depot tomorrow & try to find some sockets & splitters
hopefully, home depot has, what i'm looking for exactly...

thanks for the warning on the shitty bulb i bought, lol


Well-Known Member
which CFL's should i get though?
the ones i have at home are, equivalent bright white 60W
i should get the bigger bulbs, eh?

Red Bull

Active Member
here's the thing, i heard it can toast my plant
but, my fan only has one level (it's a heater/fan)
there is a high/low on the heat, but, the fan only has 1 option
that option is BLOW HARD & it lowers my grow rooms, temperature
& i mean, lowers it, to a pretty much, COLD room...

so, i was thinking, i use the 100W flood bulb (incandescent)
but, keep it maybe, 5-6 inches above the top of my plant?
& the fan will, keep the room from reaching hazardous degrees

does anyone disagree with this? i need some serious input, please...
try this setup (depending on grow room & size = how many to purchase) e-conolights.com -150watts HPS vapor tight fixture (comes with 150 hps bulb, 2100k(flowering stage), - $20.00each + shipping 1000bulbs.com -150watts metal hallide bulb, 4200k(vegetation stage), $10.88each + shipping. cheap,cheap,cheap, IMO best setup for cost for beginners to learn & save money for better & different setup's possibly in the future go hydro. some day i'll have enough knowledge to go hydro. i've smoked some of each- hydro the best IMO. good luck hope this helped!!!!!!!!!!!!:eyesmoke:

Red Bull

Active Member
those are some good deals, i appreciate your time & links, along with costs
thanks man :D
no problem others have posted about the hps deal i just did a little search and found the metal hallide bulbs they are not the best in CRI but they are better than anything i've found for the price deal to make a small setup to get a decent out come. happy growing & learning. I love RIU this place rocks.great info here.read, read, read, then ask questions = smart answers. GO RIU BRAINS!!!!!:mrgreen: