1024 Medical Stealth Cab Grow!


Well-Known Member
where you at rasta? see he 's smokin that 1024 and hes passed out in the poinsettias greenhouse, LoL.

I bet you are right!!


lofl mannnn!!! i been smokin on some home grown sour d!! some bermy haze and my 1024 medical...met anogther grower tonight got a few grams of a nice lookin outdoor smells like gasoline!! and some fluffy sativa strain picked early and airy as a shit...tasted like damn armpits!!...really wasnt pleasent...i said to my boy yo u kno wat a bums armpit taste like hes like y n i gave him the joint and was like nvm...he took a hit and was like ewwwwww....lofl...but it was free

i was out last night but be4 i left i burnt a our d joint and this mornin i cam ebac and walked in my room and it still smelled like it!! i havent been not high in about a week!! been outa it but not passin out yet lofl!

i clipped like 4 more buds tonight that wur realll amber! was about 8grams...buts my wet weight to 69 or somethin like that ...got a nice sized bud curin and some dryin and some smokin! :) have no complaints right now!!! sorry been slackin on here been real busy....and high...so high i been forgettin to shut vege box lights off and forgettin to water...damn i needa get bac on track lofl...i will have an update up tomorro...u guys hold me to it!!


Well-Known Member
ok so i got my lazy ass up and snap some pics real qwik...here ya go

the rest of the plant still needs to ripen

the two flowerin trees

whats left of some home grown bud i was in the middle of rollling

this is the free outdoor pure sativa...strian unknwon..this is the bums armpit!...n btw its not a good thing...almost gave it away

this is some regs around here

some buds hanging



Well-Known Member
lol, i have a headband armpit pheno. it leaves this taste, thats sticks to my tongue. love it
nice man cept this taste comes after the exhale n its bad...u kno wen a bum walks into a room n fills the air wit 'bo' nu smell it n its so strong u ca taste it...well it taste like that....but it smells so good be4 u break it up

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
it's funny that you mention the armpits cause that's what I thought the grinspoons smelt like, rotten fruit with a hint of armpit, lol.


Well-Known Member
lol i feel u dr g but this taste sux!! lol i smoked all that shit was just rollin up some 'beef and broccoli' (mixture of herbs) and u couldnt really taste it

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
lol i feel u dr g but this taste sux!! lol i smoked all that shit was just rollin up some 'beef and broccoli' (mixture of herbs) and u couldnt really taste it
hahaha! beef and broccoli. I like that saying! it's the first time I've ever heard it used. lol