1024 Medical Stealth Cab Grow!


Well-Known Member
Well i was able to find aaway to support my four main tops~! the tree looks real happy reaching for the light and beggining to get its dark green color back..other than the really yellow leaves it had....well i just took some wires we use for our other plants and cut them to size steaked them into the pot and tied the branch to the wire but holding it up...wellg ot some bud porn for ya...

srry bout the blurry pics was all taken on phone

night time shot (blurry but u can see all the nug)


the stakes


sux cuz even blown up on here u cant really see the trichs but there everywur now!


one of the clones lookin happy...


Well-Known Member
well got some horrible news...my special delivery of some top strains has failed! has failed due to the person being paro about it...kinda sux was looking foreward to somethin new...well pluss side is i got a actual camera now to take pics wit...and i move the clone into the vege tent cuz obviously have noffin else to grow~!


Active Member
Damn seems like most people are looking out for Number 1 now-these-days :(. Why not try new things out with your clone. For example, Nute blast, top more, supercrop. Could be a blessing. HmMm you can't order seeds to your house? that's pickle of a situation.


Well-Known Member
Yea see i kno customs will grab that shit if i mail it here and that wont go over so well!...yea she was paro, the night be4 her flight i called her up devised a plan to bring them and keep em labeled and seperate..but she comes in..with no beans:wall:...o well she was nervous told her it was noffin to worry bout but wat can i do?? ill just have to wait till im out there next and ill bring bac these free beans myself...its not like i lost my chance for free beans..just dont got em now~!....
i have more seeds have about 10-15 beans left...i might just vege the clones real qwik and flower them small and then start some more beans but idk..i was really lookin foreward to somethin new! pluss side is my camera is bac! so no more cellphone pics lol imma play wit the cam tonight and throw em up

Concord Dawn

Well-Known Member
yeah, that sucks no doubt, hell, ive taken an oz of green and an 8 ball with me on the cruises ive taken here in out of tampa and not givin it a second thought, just dont bring the shit back with ya tho, LoL.


Well-Known Member
lol yea i mean i brought like 20seeds bac the last time thats how i got the beans i have now and all she was bringing was like 5-6 o well next time


Well-Known Member
just been playin wit the cam changing settings tryna get decent pics...not that easy wit a cheap digi cam but here u go some random pic



Well-Known Member
well not much to report...i just 'rained on my gurls for the first time since the transplant...in a few days wen the soil dries i will be feeding her cant wait to see her respond!...the last few times i 'made it rain' she was rootbound so she never responded well to the feeding but hopefully alls well and she poses for some cute pics in a few days lol

Concord Dawn

Well-Known Member
she's lookin good man, wish you could make it rain here, im outta rain water and theres none in sight, LoL. man i hate to use the tap water here at 8.0 ph and have to knock it down that much.


Well-Known Member
mines is like dat! lol we catch rain water off our rooves into tanks below the house but wen theres no rain and the tank goes dry we use this next type of water that sux! so mines wayyyy up!


Well-Known Member
well shes been happy! since the transplant everything has been smoothe coasting! lovin it right now! just sittin bac waitin patiently now!...got alot of pics some not so great camera phone quality (to show trichs), and the others are from digi cam... the clones wur hard to get a focussed pic of but got 2 of em pretty good...they wur very small wen takin but are def. rooted and are growing away! also after 2 days of germination my seed has split amd the tap root has grown furiously!

hope u enjoy the pics:-P


much better quality pics...



the clones (not great pics but just to get an idea)

my germd seed going to plant her tomorro



Well-Known Member
Thanx man I'm still growin my hermied 1024 seeds I brought bac...I hope seedling catches up and I can get all 4 in the cab together...might need more lights...if I do imma b shit outa luck wit heat! but yea these buds are fillin in the stems like crazzy! I couldn't believe the diff from yesterday and today just unbeleivable! They are thicker than a bic and about the length of two of em right now! Can't wait till she finishes! I kno it gonna b a much better smoke than the last!

Silent Running

Active Member
I had a house guest for a week and didn't get on the net that much. Ran up to the mountains (Blue Ridge Parkway) for a few days and did the halloween haunted house tours around the area. Things are finally getting back to normal here now that the guest went back home to Washington. LOL. How have you been other than taking care of those lovely ladies?


Well-Known Member
just been tryin find a new job...on dat grind tryin support my fam..got a daughter...had alot of pets and hobbies but nothin compares to what ur children cost u!!! and she not even a year yet! i dread the day she walks into stores wit me sayin daddy i want this or daddy i need that...lol hopefully this next harvest puts a lil $ in my pocket....the poinsettas are blooming away and the green house is lookin very red! lol the white flowers havent showed up yet :/ ... i wonder y....but yea just been on the hustle tryin get things ready fa xmas including my harvest...im really feelin like a vaca. but dat not goin happen for a whilllleee!!