northeastern lights

Well-Known Member
Hiya GT, were a month and one half behind this year but all's good. Heading up to the property in the next 2 weeks to get started on the grow there. hope to see ya soon..
Very nice, some how even with the set back I can just about gaurentee you'll still have the biggest plants on RIU Hodge. After this season I was thinking of taking a trip out to your neck of the woods.


Well-Known Member
Well were having another day of rain here, heard Cali has or will tie a record held since 1971 of no days in the month of May with temps reaching 90 degrees. WOW. Plants are growing but at such a slow pace, will take some pics soon to show progress.


Well-Known Member
Hey, Hodge.

This cool weather has got my garden moving very slowly, this year. Even the cabbages are slow.

One year, I had ripe tomatoes by now.

My tomato plants haven't set any fruit yet.

I wondering if we're seeing effects from the Iceland volcanic eruptions, cutting down on sunlight as Mt. Pinatubo did, a couple decades ago.

I'm interested in seeing how your garden is doing.

I took pix today, and will be posting them.


Well-Known Member
Hi VG, For sure, weather has my veggies growing ever so slow. My elevation is under 1,000 feet so I'm sure the worst is behind us?
Wife already picked 5 strawberries from her new plants, said I would buy her a lug from a near by farmer but she wanted to grow her own. Pics coming soon.


Well-Known Member
Hell yea, just had a cell go by that dropped at least 1 inch of rain with light hail. Looks to be headed up your way, stay dry B..

northeastern lights

Well-Known Member
Damn you guys are having my weather from last season. Had some hail early in the season. All around the patch the roads were covered in leaves and branches. Made me scared to even think what had happened to the plants.


Well-Known Member
it hailed around my parts today too. I honestly have barely had time to really even look at my plants the last couple days.... seasons not bad at all.... not yet anyways..... not unless this continues into June for too long....


Well-Known Member
We had hail as well, as several cells moved through.

Buckets had about 3/4 inch in them.

It feels like we've been transported to February.


Well-Known Member
Suppose to get some warm weather today thru Monday, low 80s and sunny, (yeah) plants are showing new growth but rate is slow. On the other hand, the ol woman's veggie garden is kicking in, seems to really enjoy the cooler weather, especially the brussel sprouts? (never grew them before)
A special thanks to GT for the info on dealing with bud rot, Thanks.... Will take pics today... Promise!!!


Well-Known Member
We had hail as well, as several cells moved through.

Buckets had about 3/4 inch in them.

It feels like we've been transported to February.
Same in Southern Oregon. The hail, high winds and rain are getting old. Very slow growth with a lot of early flowering.

Sunny, low 70s through the weekend and then back to rain.


Well-Known Member
Suppose to get some warm weather today thru Monday, low 80s and sunny, (yeah) plants are showing new growth but rate is slow. On the other hand, the ol woman's veggie garden is kicking in, seems to really enjoy the cooler weather, especially the brussel sprouts? (never grew them before)
A special thanks to GT for the info on dealing with bud rot, Thanks.... Will take pics today... Promise!!!
I grow cole(cabbage, broccoli, brussels sprouts) crops through the winter, putting young plants or seed in after I clean up the summer garden.

They like water and heavy feeding once they are well established.

If you haven't in the past, spraying Bt for cabbage worms is very important once the white and yellow cabbage butterflies show up.

Without Bt, I'd take up a different hobby.



Well-Known Member
plants dont look like they were too beat up or anything.
but I hope none of them were confused by the weather and started blooming early.
gloomy and stormy conditions kickstarted a couple of mine last year :wall:


Well-Known Member
So far they are fine, no stacking. There are a couple that I picked up from other growers that I'm watching but I think they'll be fine?
Hows your hole digging coming along B?