105w CFL bag seed


To catch you up here. these sprouted the 28th of october and we lost power for 2 days around then. so about 20 days old.

this is random bagseed from completely unknown bags.

The entire grow is taking place under a desk with about 24inches of height from the base and about 6sqft of flat area. have a small humidifier and a normal room fan blowing air in around the lights and box venting out the top back. stays mid70's with the lights on, low 60's with them off. running 20-4 currently.

i am doing this mainly for learning while i wait for my cool fem seeds.

currently my main light is a 105wat 6500k cfl its long enough to hang a few inches over both plants, as well as 2x27watt 5000k cfls positioned near each plant. for veg i have 3x55watt 2700k bulbs, but i plan to order some of those ozone generating 2700k cfls that are around 27watts will probably add 4 of those.

nutes are fish emulsion(4-1-1) which i just started a day or 2 ago (leaves were not very green) added a small amount (2ml to 1 gallon res) and they seem to love it, will probably give the full dose when i change res sunday.

yes this is in an aerogarden base, i hope to flower as soon as possible to sex so i dont have their roots all tangled.

well here they are, the newer leaves are growing in healthy, i burned the older leaves early on with reflectors that made it really too hot.



Active Member
Looks good man, I wish my temps would stay that low. You can definitely add some more lights once they get bigger.


Yeah, it has a pretty large vent out the back and its a reasonably large volume to work with.

When I go 12 12 lights will be on at night as room temp will go down to 50s or lower


yeah, thats what i can expect the room temp to be at night during winter, ventilation in the upstairs of the house is just poor and the room shares a wall with the attic. But during the day it will be plenty warm with the lights off and at night they should be toasty warm with the lights on, probably going to be using the 3x55watts + 3x 27watt bulbs that generate ozone for flower.

i'll snap some pics when i get home, they really are growing strong now starting to put out 5leaf leaves =P


sorry, snapped the pics but never got back on RIU.

First 2 pics are from 2 days ago, 2nd pics are from 5 minutes ago. The first set of 5 leaves are slightly deformed, but the new ones in the 2nd pics are looking pretty great.

Edit, Oh mah GAWD i really need to find the battery charger for my 12mp digital camera, so sorry about pics.



the first pic we will call plant A, 2nd pic plant B. A is on the right, B is on the left. Think i'm gonna tie down plant A tonight, i dont think plant B is quite stable enough bend over yet.


Ok so last night before i went to bed i tied down plant A just with a Ziptie loop and my clippers sitting one the end of the ziptie to hold it down. just checked on my lunch and it is looking good, like its already making a new top at the bend and its two most mature leaves and branches reangled themselves upward.

they are also starting to really smell. I've decided to gradually start flowering them. i ordered some more 2700k bulbs, 2 more 55watt, 1 65watt (4500 lumens), and 3x 23? watt ozone generating bulbs. i am down to 18-6, probably gonna 30minutes of light every other day till all my bulbs get here then i'll change out my lights and set it to 12/12.

i'll be using 200+watt rated shop lamps from the home depot with 2 spliters for 3lights in each lamp. also ordered an extra fan.

i promise some actually non shit tier pictures later tonight.


as promised!

check out plant A tied down, at about 20 hours in lst how does it look? is the top down far enough?


this is backwards plant A is posted 2nd, plant B is first sorryz.


Well-Known Member
Lookin good to me. I also started with bagseed a good learning experience.Just glad i started with them and waited to order any beans.


lol actually just got my seeds in the mail today.

lol an finally found some decent bud to smoke so lets say i'm in good spirits and happy to post an update!!!

1 month!

I had started this grow 24 on (they didnt seem to like it) so i moved to 20/4, last week i started adding darkness and i'm down to 14.5/9.5. tomorrow i am just flipping to 12/12 i am tired of waiting to sex and i believe that they are certainly big enough that if one is female i can get a decent yield.

Anyway, again, plant A is on the right, plant b the left.

Plant A, Looking great you can sorta see the fork at the top it grew when i tied it down. (i secretly would prefer this one to be female)
Plant B, does not look great in the pic but it seems pretty healthy, i am sure it will look even better in the morning, when i tied it the large leaf that is close to the camera was on the base so it seemed to get a little soggy from condensation, i'm sure it will perk up.
(lol this is sort of an action shot as i took the picture the leaf i was holding back to see the top slipped free, you can see motion blur)

can i trim off some of the lower leaves? the ones that have brown patches that are really low? these were early leaves and i believe got slightly burned by the lights.

again, these are in an aerogarden, there really is only hardly room for 1 plant in there so i'll have to kill 1 even if they were both female. Nutes are fish emulsion, the water is distilled water that i am topping off with dechlorinated(lol not a word?). i drain the rez once a week and replace the water and nutes. i do this because i do not have the ability to PH my res and am crossing my fingers that this will keep it in a safe range.


Day 35, 4 days on 12/12.

Both Plants followed by plant B, you can see my 55watt cfls and the 1 23watt ozone generator cfl (i think it helps the smell, my gf tells me i cant smell shit though). LSTing plant A, some more.

heres plant B

EDIT shit man, can i cut something off of these. they are really dense bushes, or do i just keep leep everything thats not dried and dead?


could i get a little input from the pros here? do i just let my plants be all shaggy or at this point can i remove some of the earlier growth thats a little damaged?


Ok, so an update.

Day 38

7th day of flowering, I'm almost sure plant B is male, i think i could tell yesterday. probably gonna take it out tonight when i change the res. Plant A is still looking beautiful with no balls yet (Xs fingers), i am sure i'll be able to tell in a day or 2. I'll be so proud if its a her, it was the runt sorta as a seedling but has been kicking ass ever since. it seems to have 5 or 6 tops currently, pretty bad ass.

My little papaya is a pretty little seedling in my desk drawer, gotta work on the heat but otherwise wonderful in its bucket under 2x 27watt 5000k cfls. I plan on doing 24on to keep it as short as possible because it will probably be vegging for 2 months while the others flower (provided the one is male)

i'll post pics if i know someones watching =P


Well-Known Member
Just curious, did you buy the ionizer CFL bulb yet? If so how well is it working? What else are you using for odor control?