10mg generic valium


Well-Known Member
i got some 10mg generic valiums from my friend for free and im trying to make a little money about how much do these sell for does $3 each sound good? also about how many would it take to fuck you up?


Well-Known Member
diazapam 10 mg on the west coast go for $3-$5 bucks a pill and thats a good price haha everyone loves benzos


Active Member
Over here in socal can't let em go for anything over $2, and thats expensive for 10mg.

10mg generic, hmm if you're not used to them maybe 3-5? I'm not too sure, I have a rather high natural tolerance to drugs so...just take like 2 and wait a bit to see how you feel then carry on from there :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
I off them for $5 a piece and buy them at $100 for 100. I usually combine about 40mg of valium with 40mg of Hydrocodone and that's a good time!


Active Member
diazapam 10 mg on the west coast go for $3-$5 bucks a pill and thats a good price haha everyone loves benzos
meh tbh I hate them, my mom used to take them kinda often and it just changed her personality in general for the worse (only while she was on it).... also one of our family friends takes them daily because he has cerebral palsy and it apparently helps him, but it seems to just slow down his reaction time, make him more tired, less fun to talk to, etc.