11/21/06 Aerogarden Update w/pics

XtC in me

Active Member
I just ordered some White Widow and the Fox Farm Hydro kit........Already have the figure eight cord plugged in directly to the lights and it's hooked up to a timer, I have the pump seperate from the timer.......Just not sure how much of the Nutrients I'm supposed to use. I am well aware of the Fox Farm Chart but I just needed to know if any of you have experimented with the nutrients to see what the best measurements are...I'll post some pic's of my setup in a little while.... Thanx


Active Member
1/4 to 1/2 the recommended dosage, no nutes for first week, introduce and build up. Get new lights or else you'll only yield fractions of an ounce. cheers

XtC in me

Active Member
1/4 to 1/2 the recommended dosage, no nutes for first week, introduce and build up. Get new lights or else you'll only yield fractions of an ounce. cheers
I have 2 extra full spectrum cfl's as well, I'll post some pic's up as soon as I can find my camera....I ordered my seeds from Dr. Chronic as I hear they have good rep. but i'm still a little nervous about whether or not I will receive anything:neutral:....thanx charlesiii for the info


Well-Known Member
looks good man..but given the space and the lighting..you need to train those plants and put up a screen...weave the plant in and out of the screen to create a carpet of buds...


Well-Known Member
Let me start by saying that I am totally impressed by your work with the aerogarden. I just bought one of them and have been toying ariound with it. Haven't planted any marijuana yet. I'm going to run this thing through a few cycles to see how it works. Patience is a virtue.
Here's an idea; Since the ultimate goal of growing kush is "the flower" then wouldn't it seem logical to buy the nutrient tablets for the Petunias (one of the seed kits available)? I woud assme that the light cycle would also automatically adjust itsself to get the plants to start flowering. What do you think?
Also, did you add any additional nutrients to the water? When the plants grow past 2 months, what do you plan to do since the seed kit only comes with a 2 months supply?
I'm looking forward to joining you in helping this household appliance reach its' true potential.
From one scientist to another!!

ps; the bulbs can not be replaced. they are custom built for this system
The bulbs can be replaced and they are available on the Aerogarden site for $19.95 per pair. You can also buy packages of nutrients on the same site for very little. The Aerogarden now has a delux model that just now came out this week but not available for shippinng until the end of November 2007. It is larger and there are now 3 lights. Fantast improvement!!!


Well-Known Member
Thx for the comp.

no petunias. use fox farm nutes


Hey Tek, You inspired me to go ahead and purchase the aerogarden. I got the new larger delux one because this is going to be my medicine machine. I would be dead right now if it wasn't for MM saving my life. Buying the seeds are a bit spendy, but for the relief it gives me it is worth every penny of it.:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Of course the growing is not hard. If everyone told everyone that it was easy then they would kind of be out of business right? Big business is to be lost if marijuana was legalized, who do you think keeps it illegal? It may just not be the people you first thought was.

If everyone figures out it is easy, there will be so many gardens that the people would just have to give up. If you want something changed, standing up and changing it together is the only way.:hump:


topping and pruning have left this 8 incher to be bushy as hell.. haha... this whole growing stuff isnt as hard as people make it out to be.

XtC in me

Active Member
Still waiting on those seeds from Dr. Chronic...I went with white widow....It's only been about 4 days tho so i'm sure they be here within the next 2 weeks

sir doja

Active Member
i wish my plant would hurry the fuck up and grow im using an appliance bulb if thats not good plz send me a message to tell me plzzzzz!!!!!


Active Member
yo tek give us a update on how the finishing product looks like.... But ya so far so great!! Thumbs up


Active Member
Yo tek we should talk more on this areogarden I'd like to find out how u did it? I'm curently groin outdoors in a green house but I'd like to find out more on your teqnic on how you grew your plants in the areogarden... I'd like to find out more so add my MSN and maybe well talk more on this subject rush.1@hotmail.com


Active Member
hey what did you use as far as nutrients and also if you could include you the amount of nutes you put per week. and also did you distill it in water and if so what is your nutrient to water ratio... if you could inform me on this one ill send you a christmas present


Well-Known Member
LOL... NICE dude!!!

truly impressive with such a small set up an NO side lighting..

I am very curious how the grow would do if you had six plants and then flowered them when they are 2- 4 inches tall..

very nicely DONE!!!!

you da man!!

i flowered mine 10 days old from seeds.......the results were not at all catastrophic,try it


Active Member
I've been looking for a quick and easy plan to grow some personally...Looks like I'm gonna be an Aero Pirate as well!!!!!


Active Member
GET An Aerogarden Elite 6 +, A FISH TANK AIR PUMP & AIR STONE, (4) 23W CFL warm, ELECTRONIC TIMER.......... PLANT SEED (24 hr) 0-2 weeks, then (16-8 Vegetables) 2 -4 weeks, then F L O W E R 12/12 for 8-9 weeks with additional lights...............Yup thats it, oh yea....DON'T BUY MEXICAN (mids). THEY ARE KILLING AMERICANS!!!! Sign up for some college classes (any age) and get your head clean so when your buds are ready they will f-ing blast you! PERSONAL AND SOCIAL SMOKE...NO SALE!!!!!!!!!!!! (you could invest in the AERO stock which is down to about .21 (a steal if decrim goes nationwide) may go to 30 bucks or so in that case!