11 days now


Well-Known Member
Not everyone has a couple hundred dollars to spend on lamps and maybe can't afford high power bills, if someone is just starting out its good to have different options in different price ranges some like led some don't some like hids some don't, find what works for you ..
Sure, but theres a point of diminishing returns here ... that was my exact situation when I started growing again and what sucked me into the blurple ... but i would have rather waited until I could afford a slightly better light in hindsight.

Also, the power bill thing gets blown way out of proportion. Watts are watts. So if you need 260w of blurple to get the results of 150w HID, the blurple actually costs more to run for an equivalent yield.The real power saving on LEDs come in when your running a bunch of lamps and HID would require AC and LED wouldnt