11!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Red Hairs!!!!!!!!!!!!11


Well-Known Member
i have one indica pheno sour diesel that has been flowering now for one month and alot of hairs are turning red, is this normal, do they just cycle through hairs sometimes? any help or advice/comments would help thanks...........



Well-Known Member
The fact that you're asking this has me a little worried...lol

They're supposed to turn red, it's some what of an indicator as to when your buds are ready to harvest. Not THE indicator, but a hint. The true indicator is the trichomes.

From the GrowFAQ:

Harvest timing is a matter of personal preference. When the glandular trichomes are clear with very little, if any coloration, THC levels are at their peak with CBD and CBN both at levels that will not overly influence the THC with their sedative effects. Some prefer more overwhelming narcotic type effects, allowing the resin glands to cloud and begin to amber or darken to increase overall cannabinoid content. The resin glands appear and therefore will mature at different times. A compromise is made when determining the desired overall maturity level to harvest. It depends on the growers preference in effect and palate.



Well-Known Member
i know when to harvest, im asking if there is a problem with the hairs turning red this early in flowering!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
You have a problem with your plant the odds are. They should turn brown at sixty days or so. This is what happened is that they got polinated by a male or hermie. You are going to be a daddy. They turn brown when making/developing seeds.


Well-Known Member
no i found out it is from being too dry... i live in california and some santa anas hit us with some dry waether.