11 weeks flowering - SPIDER MITES - HELP!!!!!!!!!!!


Active Member
So I have one swiss cheese and 1 white widow both on their 11th week of flowering and I am just waiting for the tricomes to turn amber. I look at a small leaf most days through a microscope and today i took a small leaf, as normal, but noticed that it had spider mites when I put it under the scope.

What do you guys recommend. Shall I treat them or leave them. Do I crop the plant or leave it to produce those amber crystals (they are cloudy at the moment - is it going to take long to get them to turn amber).

This is my first grow so any advice will be gladly recieved.

Cheers guys.
So I have one swiss cheese and 1 white widow both on their 11th week of flowering and I am just waiting for the tricomes to turn amber. I look at a small leaf most days through a microscope and today i took a small leaf, as normal, but noticed that it had spider mites when I put it under the scope.

What do you guys recommend. Shall I treat them or leave them. Do I crop the plant or leave it to produce those amber crystals (they are cloudy at the moment - is it going to take long to get them to turn amber).

This is my first grow so any advice will be gladly recieved.

Cheers guys.
I would leave it since it is that deep in flower.If you want you can harvest now once it starts to dry the spider mites will crawl to the stalk where it is cut at trying to survive.


Well-Known Member
You can leave them alone and cut or if you are up to something new you can try nicotine spray. I use this on my plants as a routine preventative and when I have a problem with small pests. This spray leaves no lasting oder and no taste in the final product.
Take 3 cigs, steep in warm water for best results allow to sit over night. Strain into your mister add 2 to 4 drops of liquid soap shake and spray the plant throughly. In about 3 to 4 hours all eveidence of your spraying will be gone along with your pests. I am going to include a link to a place that has several good homemade insectides, I have used most of these and find them all good to some insectides or fungus and not for others. The ones with baking soda, hydrogen peroxide and garlic oil all are very effective.
Good Luck with the mites.


Well-Known Member
The easiest way to deal with spider mites is prevention. I replace my Hot Shot No Pest strip every 4 months.


Active Member
Cheers people, cut the swiss cheese but left the white widow. The cheese was pretty much ready. I also purchased some Phytoseiulus Persimilis (predator mites) to put on my other plants. These are the spider mites natural predator and apparently should wipe them out. I will keep y'all updated.
Cheers people, cut the swiss cheese but left the white widow. The cheese was pretty much ready. I also purchased some Phytoseiulus Persimilis (predator mites) to put on my other plants. These are the spider mites natural predator and apparently should wipe them out. I will keep y'all updated.
Yes please do because i never heard of that.


Well-Known Member
damn 11 weeks i didnt even know they had strains that went that far into flowering.... i just got some dutch passion blueberry and there on week 9 right now going into ten and it killin me. dont know how you do it. as for the spider mites i would just leave them because your so close to harvesting, but when you hang them to dry do it somwhere far away from you grow room so they dont climb down and get your new plants. i had a really bad spider mite problem and kept looking for the easy way out, hot shots no pest strips, foggers, lady bugs, predatory mite, but the way i finally got rid of them was to get off my lazy ass and spray my plants with neem oil once every three day for two weeks. worked like a charm and i stoped having the problem. GOOD LUCK


Well-Known Member
Natural forces SucraShield works great for killing those little shits and can be used up until harvest........neHYDRO.com peace.......


Well-Known Member
1 Word - pyrethium spray , look it up ..its organic and kills mites easyily and the beauty is its non residual so u can spray it and smoke the harvest 3 days later.im studying horticulture and its right up there with pest-oil and neem oil. people spray there vegies with this and eat it 3 days later so it speaks for itself man


New Member
yea i used neem oil not only did it rid my problem with them lil fckers but made my leafs extremely green i have decided to to always use neem oil in my veg state once a week


Active Member
These pest strips are carcinogenic and should never be used during flowering or in an area where people are living. I would never use any buds that were treated like this.

A weekly spray of Neem and silicon will keep the pests off of your plants without endangering you health. The silicon causes the cell walls to thicken and makes it harder for the insects to pierce the cell walls and remove the chlorophyll. The Neem is a contact killer and kills any insects on the leaves. This will keep your plants pest free if done on a weekly basis. You can also mix Neem seed meal in the soil media or top-dress the pots with this meal to prevent the introduction of mites.


Active Member
Hey people, had a problem with my predatory mites in that they wouldn't deliver to where I am - gutted. Have harvested the swiss cheese but have left the WW. Think I'm gonna chop at the end of the week, the buds are so heavy they are beginning to hang down. Gonna try the Neem oil for my plants that are in veg. I have 2 rooms veg and flower so am going to get a fogger for the flowering room and set it off after I have cut the WW so its ready for the other vegging plants. Well chuffed with my first grow though. Trichomes mostly cloudy great buzz!!! Cheers for all your help I'll flick through some pics of the harvest when I chop.


Well-Known Member
These pest strips are carcinogenic and should never be used during flowering or in an area where people are living. I would never use any buds that were treated like this.

Yet you would smoke buds that had chemicals sprayed directly on them? I'll stick with placing a No Pest strip in my growing area rather then runnning the risk of having to dip or bomb my ladies and their flowers.

Your methods require contact and sprays. Nothing touches my buds.
Hey people, had a problem with my predatory mites in that they wouldn't deliver to where I am - gutted. Have harvested the swiss cheese but have left the WW. Think I'm gonna chop at the end of the week, the buds are so heavy they are beginning to hang down. Gonna try the Neem oil for my plants that are in veg. I have 2 rooms veg and flower so am going to get a fogger for the flowering room and set it off after I have cut the WW so its ready for the other vegging plants. Well chuffed with my first grow though. Trichomes mostly cloudy great buzz!!! Cheers for all your help I'll flick through some pics of the harvest when I chop.

you can see if they will deliver lady bugs to where you are. You can get them on e-bay for cheap like everything else.. I use schultz garden safe fungicide 3 it uses neem oil extract as the active ingredient and can also be used the day of harvest.

but when you do get them gone keep preventive spraying cuz chances are those fuckers will come back if you dont