11' x 11' mushroom grow room, suggestions on method


Active Member
Puff how has your luck been on a 2.5 inch sub. I went an inch thicker and have not had any issues, Nice skull
Thanks! :)
It's been good.. I've never had any issues with contams or anything like that. Infact I think I've been pretty lucky thus far, mind you I wouldn't push it either. 3 flushes and then I toss em. Usually by the third things are starting to look pretty weak, not to mention I can never seem to get all of the fruit so there's always a little bit of funky meat left on the block u know?... Have you found that the deeper the block the bigger the fruit? Do you dunk and go for multiple flushes? I've never really experimented and are still quite new to the hobby myself. When I first got into it I was so glued to the shroomery I though my old lady was going to leave me hahaha. I'm laying low for the time being but I plan on getting back into action sometime in next year or so...


New Member
Assuming you have 10 foot ceilings...
[/SUP]31 gallon tub = 6ft[SUP]3
[/SUP]You can fit approximately 200 tubs in your room.


New Member
You can get more that a hp per 3 tubs lol.
Hp in the first 2 flushes per tub.

A setup with 200 tubs would yield 100 pounds easy after 4 flushes.


Active Member
You can get more that a hp per 3 tubs lol.
Hp in the first 2 flushes per tub.

A setup with 200 tubs would yield 100 pounds easy after 4 flushes.
Well either way.. a life time supply.. lol I definitely want to see how this one turns out! Make sure too keep us posted!


Active Member
So, I'm thinking about doing around 30-40 tubs. I think I'm going with wronguys recipe:

Yield: 4 large filter patch spawn bags

48 Cups Shredded Horse Manure
24 Cups Vermiculite
16 ½ Cups Wild Bird Seed
4 Tablespoons Kelp Meal
6 Tablespoons Canola Oil
21 Cups Water

1. Mix all dry ingredients together thoroughly.
2. Add water gradually and mix by hand.
3. Add Canola Oil.
4. Load bags evenly.
5. Pressure cook for 2 ½ hours @ 15 PSI.
6. Allow to cool for one hour and remove from cooker.
7. Impulse seal bags on setting 5 for 5 seconds.
8. Hang to cool.

The idea of using horse manure really appeals to me because i'm trying to get the most bang for my buck. I also read about putting in Humic acid increases yields by 300%. Whatcha guys think?? http://www.shroomery.org/forums/showflat.php/Number/16747475/fpart/1/vc/1

And as far as my grow room, do you guys think I should build an inner wooden structure and staple plastic wrap all around to help with keeping everything sterile? Ideas please!!!


Well-Known Member
And as far as my grow room, do you guys think I should build an inner wooden structure and staple plastic wrap all around to help with keeping everything sterile? Ideas please!!!
You are not trying for sterile, you are looking for clean and cleanable. Keep that in mind, since you will go insane trying to keep your fruiting area sterile.


damn man good luck with the fungus kg... i knew a couple people that used may-berry mulch i believe thats what its called. came out very spiritual everytime... especially the virginia creeper spores. yu should mail me a couple pal.. ill pay yu before hand if yu need me to


Active Member
I wouldn't bother building an inner structure inside the room. I'm thinking just polly the hell out of all the walls and floor etc. Then it's no trouble to bleach everything in between ops / before you start etc. Maybe Get a bunch of shelving to hold your tubs in if thats the route you decide to go. Also it probably couldn't hurt to sort of stagger the opperation so when you get your first flush you don't have to pick for a month straight LOL..



Well-Known Member

Make sure your filters are HEPA - get the high volume ones - they will help you tremendously later on. Expect high and very nasty particulate loads. You will blow out filters quickly unless you pick early religiously.

Do not - DO NOT expect to humidify an entire room, you will likely fail after your first crop or two. Go as modular as you possibly can. Mono-tubs are inefficient. Don't do exotic substrates - If you do things correctly a grain spawn and a straight straw substrate will give you flushes so large that you cannot get any more from the surface - three times. Horse manure or crazy attempts with suplementation are too much of a pain.

do batches - making 20 - 30 percent more than you expect to need as you will always lose about that percentage.

But I say again, if you do not use a very modular method you will either have huge crashes or you will encounter much more work than you need to.

for instance, get yourself a tub - a large one, and then see if you can find smaller tubs that will fit inside the first one. Afix a light to the top of the big tub. Use the little tubs for your substrate - finally create an air plenum/condioning system and pipe that preconditioned air into each of your large tubs.

Should one of the smaller tubs get contaminated, you can pull it out of the larger tub and throw it away - no spread of contaminaton. Should you find that the larger tub is too far gone, you can take that tub out of the room - the other tubs are not infected.

And PuffChronic is wrong, never ever stagger your opperation beyond creating spawn early - you have to thoroughy clean your room and all bins between sets.


Well-Known Member
So, I'm thinking about doing around 30-40 tubs. I think I'm going with wronguys recipe:

Yield: 4 large filter patch spawn bags

48 Cups Shredded Horse Manure
24 Cups Vermiculite
16 ½ Cups Wild Bird Seed
4 Tablespoons Kelp Meal
6 Tablespoons Canola Oil
21 Cups Water

1. Mix all dry ingredients together thoroughly.
2. Add water gradually and mix by hand.
3. Add Canola Oil.
4. Load bags evenly.
5. Pressure cook for 2 ½ hours @ 15 PSI.
6. Allow to cool for one hour and remove from cooker.
7. Impulse seal bags on setting 5 for 5 seconds.
8. Hang to cool.

The idea of using horse manure really appeals to me because i'm trying to get the most bang for my buck. I also read about putting in Humic acid increases yields by 300%. Whatcha guys think?? http://www.shroomery.org/forums/showflat.php/Number/16747475/fpart/1/vc/1

And as far as my grow room, do you guys think I should build an inner wooden structure and staple plastic wrap all around to help with keeping everything sterile? Ideas please!!!

Let's look at this "formula" - You use highly nutrious horse manure but you esentialy cut it in half with your compost - both to make it fluffy and to retain moisture. then you increase the nutrient content again with the bird seed - inviting problems. There are studies that indicate a small addition of oil to agaricus campestrius substrate increases yeild but there is no verified increase with the mushroom you are working with. The water is critical but it will be different for every batch and so the 21 cups won't necessarily work every time.

People at the shroomery tend to want to do exotic things to bump yield up by tiny fractions because it is their hobby. They create these exotic mixtures while rarely actually doing comparative tests. Because this mushroom is so forgiving they think they have struck upon the ideal substrate "mixture".

The fact is that this stuff will grow on just about anything. What you are looking for is pure. mycelial mass. Period. You will be taking 3 flushes from your substrate, if the stuff you are putting together works well there will be plenty of nutrient left after flush 3 - so what is the point of making it that strong unless you intend to go to flushes after 3? the limiting factor is not nutrient - I have seen petri dishes alive after 4 months and there sure as hell isn't much nutrient in the agar.

There are a hell of a lot of things to consider but if you want to be sucessful in real "bulk" grows you will have to think of the smaller details and quit with the complex mixtures for substraits.


Active Member
Thank you for the massive amounts of information canndo. So you're saying just throw the spawn into strain straw for colonization? And as far as your idea of a tub inside a tub, how would I be putting air flow in there? I'd have the hepa filter drawing the air into the room but how could I divert it to go into the tub. Also how much air would be too much to throw off the humidity inside the tub?

And as far as the samples go when it's finished (as long as I don't screw this up too bad) you're more than welcome to some ;-)


Active Member
dont know anything about shrooms except where to pick them. lol they grow like crazy where im from (rural alabama) so iv never really worried too much about trying to grow them personally but i hope you get a good yield. anyways happy growing and as always, stay smokey :leaf: or in your case stay shroomy i guess lol


Active Member
And PuffChronic is wrong, never ever stagger your opperation beyond creating spawn early - you have to thoroughy clean your room and all bins between sets.
I don't really see how there can be any wrong Suggestions.. I was just throwing thoughts out there. Take them or leave them it's entirely up to the reader.


Active Member
completely true. what works for some might not work for all; or to put it simply, different strokes for different folks. I will be finishing the cleaning of the room today and I'll be throwing up pictures. I'm hoping to have it completely cleaned and the plastic up within the next two days. Time to get to working!


Well-Known Member
Thank you for the massive amounts of information canndo. So you're saying just throw the spawn into strain straw for colonization? And as far as your idea of a tub inside a tub, how would I be putting air flow in there? I'd have the hepa filter drawing the air into the room but how could I divert it to go into the tub. Also how much air would be too much to throw off the humidity inside the tub?

And as far as the samples go when it's finished (as long as I don't screw this up too bad) you're more than welcome to some ;-)

That is where the plenum comes in. Get yourself a powerful air pump - like the ones for airstones. Do some figuring so that you get 1 to 3 air exchanges per hour for each large tub. Now put that pump in it's own tub - a big one and put a humidifyer in there as well. Now you will be pre-treating your air. You will be doing fresh air exchanges with already humidified air and if you get to 3 exchanges an hour and you don't drill any holes in your bins you will have a very slight positive pressure in your tub.

Thanks for the offer, I don't need any samples


Well-Known Member
I don't really see how there can be any wrong Suggestions.. I was just throwing thoughts out there. Take them or leave them it's entirely up to the reader.

Puff - no offense but what you are suggesting will lead to hardship, any contamination incurred will never end if you overlap processes as that contamination will follow you - especially green mold.


Well-Known Member
completely true. what works for some might not work for all; or to put it simply, different strokes for different folks. I will be finishing the cleaning of the room today and I'll be throwing up pictures. I'm hoping to have it completely cleaned and the plastic up within the next two days. Time to get to working!

I can see then that you have not encountered forest green mold in any abundance. nor any of the gnats, nor the dreaded spiderweb mold or pinhead mold, or
lipstick mold or some of the bacterial infections. You are inviting every one of these into your house permanently with your endeavor. Be aware of that as you go forward.


Active Member
Sorry I haven't posted pics up yet, tomorrow, for sure. So I shot up some lc in hope of speeding things up. I have a question for you all though. Which do you think it's easier as far as spawn prep. Me using quart jars or spawn bags? The jars would probably colonize quicker?