12-1 lighting schedule, has anyone actually tried this?

Control group means something identical to compare to, without funky adjustments. We talked about this remember? How you have nothing to compare to.
except my last grow identical lights, medium, nutes.
as i explained earlier remember?
or didnt you bother to read the thread?
figured he was attempting sarcasm but thought beind such a educated man this would be beneath him clearly i was wrong on both counts.
you know what you average when you replicate grows as do i, if i can achieve the same i will use this schedule again.
UB, can you find me scientific data that the MJ plant can use all 18 hours of light that many run in a 18/6 schedule? Can you then come up with scientific data that shows that 12 hours of continuous light is not enough for a MJ plant. Being plants use light as energy but then don't truly use the energy till the lights go out, this is why many people notice growth spurts the next morning.

I am not in to snake oils. My facts are what I see and well a large grow operation to me is proof that it works and works well. I don't mind spending money on eletricity, but why throw money away if it isn't needed. I only run 4 lights, so the difference its gonna make in util bills is less than 1/2 hour on a bad blackjack table, but my buddy is running 20 1000w lights, his expenses are a little different.
From what I am reading this is basically saying "give the plant as much dark time as you can without going into flowering".

What am I missing?

Originally Posted by Uncle Ben
How well did your control group make out?

my crop still drying out.
if thats what your refering to.​

I think he's suggesting you're just becoming a better grower over time. I bet if you went back to 18-6 for veg on your next cycle you would have an even better veg cycle than your 12-1
UB, can you find me scientific data that the MJ plant can use all 18 hours of light that many run in a 18/6 schedule? Can you then come up with scientific data that shows that 12 hours of continuous light is not enough for a MJ plant. Being plants use light as energy but then don't truly use the energy till the lights go out, this is why many people notice growth spurts the next morning.



I am not in to snake oils. My facts are what I see...

Your "facts" are feelings.

....and well a large grow operation to me is proof that it works and works well. I don't mind spending money on eletricity, but why throw money away if it isn't needed.

You're not throwing anything away. You're buying light. Now if you want to deprive your plants of light and extend the veg or flower period and compromise production because you read some quackery on the internet that promotes some screwed up ruse to save electricity, then go for it.

but you are infact again speculating on production output.
as for facts are feelings,
if i chop a plant yielding 4oz that isnt a feeling it is a fact, alot better than some regurgitated article copy n paste job.
if you did read the whole thread i also saved a whole week on my veg period, as i flip at a desired height.
and noticed less stretch than using 18/6.
UB, good articles, but again those articles miss out that if a MJ plant can honestly USE 18 hours of continuous light. A Plant can be thought of like a battery, it can only hold so much, now if you can find me the data that states a MJ plants can honestly take in 18hours of light and release all the energy it created in 6 hours, I will walk away from this discussion.

Again i state... I have seen the difference in the schedule, it works and works well... thats not a feeling, thats visible by the naked eye, growth, yield and the great upside is a little lower util bills.
he cannot prove any thing of the kind only throw articles that explain photosynthesis hoping you'll accept that and be done with it.
Are there any articles (scholarly, I don't give a shit what weed magazines say) that suggest a plant cannot use 18 hours of continuous light? I'm just wondering, not trying to be argumentative.
I know that plants in 24 hours of veg still grow well. Photosynthesis has everything to do with light intake by plants... so I think that those articles are at least somewhat relevant, if not extremely relevant.

Not one of those sites are credible, scientific. .... If you're hard up for money, perhaps you could find a a window or grow outdoors......or, just get a job so you can pay for the electricity.

Are these the "credible, scientific" sources you spoke of UB?

Once again you make remarks to those, who must keep all of our bills as low as possible. You know nothing of my life situation. I grow when, where and how I grow because it is the only option, I have been able to come up with.

I do respect you knowledge. And appreciate your lending voice to the thread. A creditable well spoken counter-point is important.

Using 12-1 my plants are the size I want them to be coming out of veg. Not over sized and not topped more than I want. The node spacing is tight and at 30 days flower today I'm very pleased with the size of the buds. However, I do not attribute bud size to 12-1 just the bush size going into flower. The plants did seem to visibly begin flower sooner. After 4-5 days stretch seemed to halt and bud development hastened. I do not know that this means that the plant will mature faster but this the pattern that others are suggesting. I am not proclaiming evidence here but I would think that some of the hormonal/chemical reaction that begins flower is some how triggered in 12-1 and flowering reaction is faster. What the fuck do I know, huh.
Out of the 13 un-sexed seeds only 1 came up male. That is by far the best I've personally ever had. I'm not saying 12-1 caused this just that it obviously did not have a negative effect on sex (no hermies at 30 days).
I don't think thats to bad.
Well since you attach images I will also... the image shows 2 things, C3 plants photosynthesis with increase of light intensity (showing it levels off no matter how much light it gets) and also shows how temperature actually plays a huge role in photosynthesis for C3 plants.


This is actually an image from a Mcgraw-Hill publication
"Recognize the effects of light and temperature in photosynthesis"
Here I go stating the obvious, but I am sure someone will tell me I am wrong and just making crap up....

C3 plants actually do much better in cooler and moist conditions than warmer dry conditions.... so the 12-1 schedule might actually work not because of more or less light per-say but the fact that with less lighting on in grow rooms, the temps stay cooler creating a much happier environment for the C3 plant (MJ).

HPS lighting is very warm and very dry, 18 hours a day without lots of ventilation keeping a room at no more than say 76F during peak heat periods at the warmest point in the room or near the plant, would give a short cool down time of 6 hours, where 12-1 offers a total of 11 hours of cool down.
but you are infact again speculating on production output.
as for facts are feelings,
if i chop a plant yielding 4oz that isnt a feeling it is a fact, alot better than some regurgitated article copy n paste job.
if you did read the whole thread i also saved a whole week on my veg period, as i flip at a desired height.
and noticed less stretch than using 18/6.

I MUST flower at 3-4 weeks post seed popping the soil's surface or I end up with 7' trees indoors. I think if you do the math, it all washes out in the end. Here's proof from an old OG FAQ post: https://www.rollitup.org/general-marijuana-growing/9114-spin-out-chemical-root-pruning.html I flipped to 12/12 about 3 weeks after my seeds had popped the soil's surface. That drill is a norm for me.

Look, if you guys would lay off the gimmick teat, learn what makes a plant tick using common sense, you would be successful every time. Sure "it works", but is it the best practice, the best NPK values, the best lighting? There's no black and white here, it's a weed so treat it as such.

Are there any articles (scholarly, I don't give a shit what weed magazines say) that suggest a plant cannot use 18 hours of continuous light? I'm just wondering, not trying to be argumentative.
I know that plants in 24 hours of veg still grow well. Photosynthesis has everything to do with light intake by plants... so I think that those articles are at least somewhat relevant, if not extremely relevant.

It's all about light saturation points. You can give cannabis too much light as you can any plant with the exception of cacti and such. All factors considered, cannabis will use light up to a point that the chlorophyll is bleached, destroyed. After that it's downhill. See my sig link, I addressed the light thingie.

3. High Light - yes, it’s true, you can give our faves too much light. Cannabis does not receive full sun from sunrise to sunset in its natural state. It is shaded or given reduced light levels because of adjacent plant material, cloudy conditions, rain, debris and dust collection on the leaf surface, twilight periods of early morning and late afternoon, and light intensity changes caused by a change in the seasons. Too much light mainly serves to bleach out and destroy chlorophyll as opposed to causing leaf cupping, but it often goes hand-in-hand with high heat for indoor growers. Again, back off on the light and concentrate on developing/maintaining an efficient and robust root system. Keep in mind that all but equatorial material receive less light during flowering than during the vegetative stage.

Also, it is a scientific fact that plants grow better with less light over an extended period of time than they do with high intensity over a shorter period of time.

Well since you attach images I will also... the image shows 2 things, C3 plants photosynthesis with increase of light intensity (showing it levels off no matter how much light it gets) and also shows how temperature actually plays a huge role in photosynthesis for C3 plants.

View attachment 1886290

This is actually an image from a Mcgraw-Hill publication
"Recognize the effects of light and temperature in photosynthesis"

You'll notice that graph about light is on intensity. Not duration. If you leave your lights on longer, they don't get stronger. Meaning that graph for light (everybody already knew about temperature) is completely irrelevant. It has pretty colors though.
I MUST flower at 3-4 weeks post seed popping the soil's surface or I end up with 7' trees indoors. I think if you do the math, it all washes out in the end. Here's proof from an old OG FAQ post: https://www.rollitup.org/general-marijuana-growing/9114-spin-out-chemical-root-pruning.html I flipped to 12/12 about 3 weeks after my seeds had popped the soil's surface. That drill is a norm for me.


So if one does not have room for a mother room how do you do that. I need my plants out of veg when my plants come out of flower. How do I handle that?