12-1 lighting schedule, has anyone actually tried this?

The way people blindy throw info around its makes you wonder how many people would still belive the world is flat.

You mean it's not?

I've been on the GLR since Halloween and I love it. In energy savings alone. Not much on my end, but every dollar counts to me.
Why would you spend the least to get the most and then complain about it? Not I. The plants do flower quicker, and start to bud
quicker in my case. Every day I can see that they've gotten bigger and bigger. I don't have the space to do a side by side, but I
wished I could. If for nothing to silence people that haven't even tried it. The ones who blindly look at the numbers and think to
themselves, "I wouldn't like sleeping for 5.5 hours, wake up for an hour, then go back to sleep for 5.5 hours. Fuck that shit." But
like someone in an earlier post said, plants don't think. They just need the optimum environment for production, just like all things.
People will continue to experiment and evaluate everything until they get it right, then the whole world will know about it. Here's
another thing, how relatively new is indoor growing compared to nature's way? "Nature's way is better." Why? Just because that's
the way it is? Or just because that's the way we're used to everything growing? Nature is odd all over the world, how does grass
come up through concrete and paved roads? How do plants and wildlife survive in Alaska with a 6/6 (months) on/off cycle? Shit's
crazy out there, but plant life will always win. They will adapt to preserve themselves, that's what they are geared to do, just like
humans, and dogs, and pigs, and camels, and birds, and everything else in this wonderful world. Just try one different thing in your
days on this planet, because variety is the spice of life.
I use 12/1 in the summers, and keep the dark periods to the daytime when it's hottest.

It works fine for VEG.

He did a side by side in two rooms and the 12/1 yielded crappy small buds.

I know this post is ancient, but it's soooo wrong...

12/1 is for VEG, not flower..............................................you derp.
The Gas Lantern Routine for Growing Cannabis
By Daniel Boughen

Observing Natural Cycles

During the course of my observations growing cannabis, I have noticed that factors such as clone burn-out seem to suggest that overexposure to light is adversely affecting the hormonal balance of the growing plants and causing the genetics of the cuts and seedlings to degrade over the course of several generations. Cannabis seems quite happy when the hormones are allowed to properly build up more during a natural outdoor vegetative cycle, and this may contribute to more balanced levels of THC and CBD, resulting in a more positive response to triggering, and better-quality medicinal cannabis being grown.

I turn to the conditions of nature to find the solution, and in a natural model, I can see that from the point of view of the plants, the sun gradually moves past, casting sunbeams and shadows of objects and trees in front, beside, and behind the plant successively across photo surfaces during the course of the day. This clearly shows that in the natural environment, the play of light and shadow are significant to the natural progress of the plant.

Even in a northern climate, there is no such thing as 18 hours of direct and intense lighting anywhere to be found, and most areas where the summer is short, the lighting is no longer than 16 hours in total.

During a recent discussion with other growers, we rediscovered a rumored century-old technique that proves that the direct and intense application of light for longer than necessary can be more stressful to the plant than previously known, and could even degrade the plant’s genetic strength.

Now that cannabis growers are starting to grow specifically for medicines, the health of the plant needs to be properly considered so that the full natural potential of the plant can be realized and the fullest expression of the plant’s medicines be produced. The margin for error is becoming smaller as the mistakes of the past are revealed and medicinally specific growing is gaining importance.

The Old Cash Cropping Method

The commonly used cash cropping method of cannabis cultivation wastes energy. People use this method by rote, since they simply don’t know what the real requirements of the plants are. It is stressful to the hormonal systems of cannabis, and not necessary to produce fully healthy and productive plants. It does not recognize that overexposure to light is harmful to the plants, and so they underperform in terms of taste, yield, quality, and potency of the medicine, or require supercharged fertilizers to reach their potential. It is surprising that these techniques are used with profits in mind, since they are clearly expensive and counterproductive.

The Gas Lantern Routine

This information will seem quite revolutionary to growers who have been using the standard cycles to produce cannabis, seemingly with little or no trouble at all. Actually, in a grow that more closely mimics the outdoor growing environment under indoor lighting conditions, the plants may be maintained in vegetative cycle using only a total of 13 hours of light daily, which dramatically reduces the cost of production.

The less is more approach of the Gas Lantern Routine provides the growing plant with adequate darkness to promote health, and by inserting a full hour of light in the center of the dark period, the plants are tricked, and neither flower nor express hermaphrodites. The growing plants get more than the average amount of rest, thus reducing stress, and improving plant yield, overall performance, and medicinal quality.

Seedlings and Cuttings

The Gas Lantern Routine is applicable in seedling phases of plant growth. As stated before, nowhere in nature does the springtime ever provide an 18-hour photosynthesis length; rather, the growing spring light may in fact be 12 hours or less. Lighting for seedlings and cuttings needs to be bright, but compact fluorescent or T5 lighting may be used while in the seedling phase. Rooted mature cuttings can immediately light with HID lighting.

The Vegetative Schedule

This method is quite simple: 12 hours of light, followed by five and one half hours of darkness, a single hour of light exactly, and then a second period of five and one half hours of darkness. Placing a full hour of light in the very center of a 12-hour dark period tricks the plant and interrupts the buildup up of sensitive floral hormones, which would normally trigger flowering by destroying them. The grower simply raises the plants to the desired size before switching to the fall schedule to bloom.

Using this method, vegetative duration may be also reduced, and with a shorter growth cycle comes more frequent and better production. Vegetative cycles can be shortened by one to two weeks, and flowering may also be shortened a week or more using this method in con- junction with a diminishing light schedule.

For patients growing their own medicine or for compassionate cannabis providers, production turnover may be increased from four to five crops per year or more using rotation, and power consumption can be reduced even further by the use of high-intensity fluorescent lighting during vegetation, and overall, power consumption savings can be 50 percent or more.

The Flowering Schedule

Plants that have been grown up using the Gas Lantern Routine are now supercharged with floral hormones, and ready to go into flower with the slightest provocation. The interruption of the dark period has been destroying enough of the naturally building hormones to keep the plant from expressing sex, and the well-rested plant now has plenty of stored nutrients and energy to finish its life cycle and flower. Triggering the plants is essentially just a matter of removing the interrupting light period, so the plants may now experience the full buildup of hormones that will trigger blooming.

In keeping with providing all the correct organic biological and environmental needs of the plant, the diminishing fall schedule should be employed to take full advantage of the hormonal preparation created by using the Gas Lantern Routine. The diminishing hours of light in nature trigger acceleration in the production of hormones in the plant, making it flower with increasing speed and power.

The Diminishing Lighting Schedule

The diminishing fall schedule begins with an evenly halved light schedule, using 12 hours for the first two weeks to trigger the plant into bloom, and then further reducing the lighting for increasing darkness time by one half hour every week.

The final week of flowering will provide the plants with a mere nine hours of light, with 15 hours of darkness, forcing a resulting final explosive hormonal buildup. This sends the plant into blooming overdrive and produces resin far beyond the normal plant’s limits.
When the Gas Lantern Routine and Diminishing Light Schedule are used together, they create healthier, more naturally robust plants. These important and historical botanical techniques are soon going to become very important techniques in the coming years as medicinal cannabis research continues to advance. When viewed from cost of production, organics, and medicinal needs, the methods currently being promoted can be seen counter to the interests of growing healthy plants. Understanding your plants is the best way to grow the best medicine, and looking for solutions to growing problems by observing nature always provides the right answers.

1 month trail run!

Been running this light cycle for a month and the results are amazing. I would say this light cycle is superior to any other light cycle for vegetative growth.

For veg:
12-1 (Gas Lantern Routine) - Superior
15/9 - High
16/8 - High
18/6 - Middle
24/0 - Low

No pistils/balls till this day.

I left the top area of the tent alone (only trimmed once) to see the height differences between the new growth and the old tops. Every two weeks the tent gets really dense so new cuttings are made to keep them in check. I have over 15 strains in here not recommended for small tent even the one I use 4x4 is quite small, it can get crowded if you don't have use for the cuttings.

To solve the solution is to keep the mother plants small, bonsai small while keeping some at normal height. So every two weeks I trim the plants at normal height while letting the bonsai grow, and 2 weeks later take cuttings from the bonsai (should be at normal height by then) while letting the new bonsai plants grow, and repeat the cycle. I also have my own tissue culture going (more on this later) to preserve the clones when the cloner is running full capacity. This way the tent is kept at growth balance.


Saves electricity (11hrs of saving from 24/0, 5hrs of saving from 18/6)
Promote healthy plants. Any deficiency it has the plant will be able to bounce back with new growth after adjustment is made
Promote plants growth, 2x more than 18/6, and 3-4x more from 24/0
Cuttings will root much faster with thicker roots and more hairs
Clones under bloom (12/12) will induce flowering much sooner
Less on hours = less heat = stealth


Must have good ventilation if the tent is closed or the tent has to be left open for the 1hr on between the dark cycle.
Must have good odor control. Healthy plants produce more aroma even in veg.
Plants in small container may get root bound due to rapid growth

Some tips using GLR (theory):

Have the light on a timer so the on/off is consistent daily. Manual on/off may induce flowering.
Use mix light or MH. Try not to use just HPS. The spectrum from HPS may induce flowering even with the 1 hour on between the dark cycle.
For the 1 hour on use a cheap light source like Fluorescent light or CFL instead of using HID light. Have it on a separate timer only turn on 1hr between the dark cycle and have the HID light set at 12/12. Normally with any other light cycle the ballast is turned on once in 24hrs, with GLR it turned on twice. This may shorten the lifespan of the ballast and bulb. If you decided to run Fluo/CFL then make sure the tent is well lid any shaded area or area left in the dark may induce flowering. The 1 hour on between dark cycle help destroy floral hormone, lack of light will not be able to destroy the hormone and will send your plants in bloom.

I'm very impressed by the results from GLR. I give this light cycle a passing grade:


You're safe to run this light cycle if you want. I'm using this exclusively for all clones/seedling/and plants in vegetative growth.
I've read that the 1 hour on can be reduced down to 5-15min and still achieve the same result, anyone know if this is true?
I joined the 12-1 army lol. What's not to like? Quicker growth, less electric, healthier, greener looking plants, pistils within 3/4 days of flower, buds forming at a rapid rate. GLR for life!
Samwell I apologize because I only made it so far into the post, but that seems like some hippy shit. Healthy plants, yadda yadda... A lot of people have talked about the healthiness of plants as if it's here or there, but it's neither. My professional background is in health and fitness, and I have worked with many bodybuilders. A bodybuilder in many cases doesn't look like a roid freak but like a well built machine in its prime, it looks healthy. But to be a bodybuilder (in fact any athlete but bodybuilder is a prime example), you do things which are counteractive to health. Consistent high-impact exercise, while it is healthy in some ways building bone density and improving metabolism, blood pressure etc... It actually creates a massive amount of free radicals, or essentially carcinogenic compounds. On top of that bodybuilders ingest consistently way over-the-top amounts of protein and other very difficult to digest compounds that leave their intestinal tracts wolloped and their livers in the condition of a binge drinker on his thirtieth year of consistent celebration. Before a show, a bodybuilder will drastically reduce fluid intake to very unhealthy levels and even do extra cardio while fluid restricting to improve vascularity and apparent "leanness", all while eating inhuman amounts of creatine which further hogs their low water levels. Personally I wouldn't do this to my body, but my point is IT GETS THE RESULTS. I'm sorry to have to hurt the poor plant to make it give me what I want, but I will do that, and likely yield less per plant than these plant-whisperers, but also harvest that from it twice as often as the other guy does, thereby improving my yield while having near-identical traits. This organics movement, this be nice to the plants movement, it all seems like BS to me in the same fashion as organic veggies. "They taste better" and various other demonstrably false statements drive that movement, and I will admit I haven't the vast experience in variety of these marijuana snobs out there but like the next dog I know bull shit when I smell it. None of this, again, is to offend the original author or the gentleman who quoted him, nor do I choose to offend anyone if it can be avoided but I need to speak up before I become Holden Caufield crying alone about all the phonies. Please feel free to counter me, anyone.
Samwell I apologize because I only made it so far into the post, but that seems like some hippy shit. Healthy plants, yadda yadda... A lot of people have talked about the healthiness of plants as if it's here or there, but it's neither. My professional background is in health and fitness, and I have worked with many bodybuilders. A bodybuilder in many cases doesn't look like a roid freak but like a well built machine in its prime, it looks healthy. But to be a bodybuilder (in fact any athlete but bodybuilder is a prime example), you do things which are counteractive to health. Consistent high-impact exercise, while it is healthy in some ways building bone density and improving metabolism, blood pressure etc... It actually creates a massive amount of free radicals, or essentially carcinogenic compounds. On top of that bodybuilders ingest consistently way over-the-top amounts of protein and other very difficult to digest compounds that leave their intestinal tracts wolloped and their livers in the condition of a binge drinker on his thirtieth year of consistent celebration. Before a show, a bodybuilder will drastically reduce fluid intake to very unhealthy levels and even do extra cardio while fluid restricting to improve vascularity and apparent "leanness", all while eating inhuman amounts of creatine which further hogs their low water levels. Personally I wouldn't do this to my body, but my point is IT GETS THE RESULTS. I'm sorry to have to hurt the poor plant to make it give me what I want, but I will do that, and likely yield less per plant than these plant-whisperers, but also harvest that from it twice as often as the other guy does, thereby improving my yield while having near-identical traits. This organics movement, this be nice to the plants movement, it all seems like BS to me in the same fashion as organic veggies. "They taste better" and various other demonstrably false statements drive that movement, and I will admit I haven't the vast experience in variety of these marijuana snobs out there but like the next dog I know bull shit when I smell it. None of this, again, is to offend the original author or the gentleman who quoted him, nor do I choose to offend anyone if it can be avoided but I need to speak up before I become Holden Caufield crying alone about all the phonies. Please feel free to counter me, anyone.

So after all that I don't get your point. Being a bodybuilder is bad for your health, short and long term but it gets very small results in that you may win a competition.
You compare this to growing your shit weed that doesn't yeild as much as mine, or taste as good, but you say that's cool because you can grow quicker than me.

That son does not work out for a few reasons. A: noone wants the shit tasting shit you produce.
B: Organics is better for the enviroment in that it works with it, not bulldozing a path through it.
C:Because I whisper to my plants and they are healthy, cuttings root in 4-7 days, they veg in 1-2 weeks, and flower in 7.
I produce meds at over a gram a watt and I don't see how you're gonna beat my times, therefore you can take your protein, chemicals, and negative attitude and stick them up your arse.
So after all that I don't get your point. Being a bodybuilder is bad for your health, short and long term but it gets very small results in that you may win a competition.
You compare this to growing your shit weed that doesn't yeild as much as mine, or taste as good, but you say that's cool because you can grow quicker than me.

That son does not work out for a few reasons. A: noone wants the shit tasting shit you produce.
B: Organics is better for the enviroment in that it works with it, not bulldozing a path through it.
C:Because I whisper to my plants and they are healthy, cuttings root in 4-7 days, they veg in 1-2 weeks, and flower in 7.
I produce meds at over a gram a watt and I don't see how you're gonna beat my times, therefore you can take your protein, chemicals, and negative attitude and stick them up your arse.
Okay, "son"? I enjoy how you're juxtaposing your positive attitude response as contrast to my negative attitude, cuz you are clearly a positive, enlightened individual, Father.

Entertain yourself by making assumptions about me, but I used to grow organic outdoor, and I learned and worked with someone who had been doing it for over twenty years. I really liked it for the taste, and I take a lot of interest in renewable farming, but the gains in taste didn't make up for the difference in yield. I can absolutely definitely harvest a greater yield using synthetic nutrients than organic, and using a bit of rooting hormone and very light nutrient I root clones in the same or less time as you stated. Yield has always been an issue with organics, you can yield a good amount but if you used synthetics properly I can almost guarantee you would yield more.

Have you smoked my weed? Have you eaten my edibles? My shit goes for over 4K a pop. I don't have to speak any further than that on the fact that people enjoy the product I make, and you have no right to insult it blindly just because you have butthurt that I have no interest in sucking the same cock you've been enjoying.

If you mistook my comments for a TRULY "negative attitude" then I deeply apologize for the misunderstanding because I have nothing but respect for organics farmers, I think it's super interesting and enjoyable but I just don't think that on a commercial level it supplies the same return. My issue was more with the post I quoted, its babying attitude towards the plant.

However, if you immediately accuse me of a "negative attitude" (read: white for "hater") because I'm not riding your same bandwagon to the apocalypse, then I could not possibly give less of a fuck for your attitude sir. You might as well know that I will not jump on the vegan bandwagon either, and picket my house for the massive amount of animal that I kill and cook into delicious gumbo's and such. Just because we disagree doesn't mean we should be at odds, I never suggested organic weed tastes like bat guano but you feel the need to make it personal, I suggest you actually take a toke of that stuff you're growing and let go of all that frustration you've decided to take out on me.

My point was that you are trying to get from the plant an end product, these babying light schedules etc don't do it. Bodybuilding is bad for long term health, but like many bodybuilders I'm not trying to care for my plants into their old age of infirmity; I'm going to cut clones from them, chop them down, dry them to shit and bag em, then sell them for paper currency.
My point was the Gas Lantern Routine or babying lighting regime does work, better than 24/0 for growth and health so its a no brainer. Less electric, more growth, healthier plants and happy days.
Friends of the Earth did a test and found traces of Round up (weed killer) and all its lovely carceogenic chemicals in the urine of 70% of adults. Leading to my other point, growing with chemicals harms the enviroment and very probably every single person you sell you're shit to, but you don't care because you're after money. That isn't a negative attitude? Keep doing what you're doing sweet heart it aint me runing from karma.
If you've been alive on this planet for eighteen years and have half an active intellect then you understand that karma is a gigantic crock of shit. Live my life and then tell me about karma.

Synthetic pesticides are an absolute last resort, I said nothing about pesticides, but continue making assumptions and loosely judging the rest of humanity from your figurative armchair of self-satisfaction.
If you've been alive on this planet for eighteen years and have half an active intellect then you understand that karma is a gigantic crock of shit. Live my life and then tell me about karma.

Synthetic pesticides are an absolute last resort, I said nothing about pesticides, but continue making assumptions and loosely judging the rest of humanity from your figurative armchair of self-satisfaction.

Karma is real. Think about it. The way you suggest someone live your life then tell you about karma, I'd gamble to bet you feel you've lead a hard life. If you don't respect the universe, she don't respect you back, hence the hard life.
I'm no "hippie" and I've been around longer than 18 yrs too, but taking notice of my actions and karma help save me. The problem is it ain't always easy being the bigger man. Cheers,

PS. Almost forgot, both of you were talking out your ass with the clones in 4 or less days, then guy said he only veg's for 1-2 weeks in organics but yields over 1gpw, bull spit. Maybe if you Sog a hundred plants.LOL.
My fish was bigger than both of y'alls. Boners.
I think this would cause some genetic issues if you bread the plants on this light cycle. I understand the botany of it, but this is not natural to the plant. Does it work, yes. Do I use it No for the reason it would change the genetics of the pant over time and then you would end up with a plant that required this. Sorry, but I for one am not interested in re-creating millions of years of mother nature.
12+1 is not ment to mimic nature but neither does 18/6 or 24. It is ment to sustain veg growth while using minimal electricity and allowing the plants to rest. It doesn't stress your plant out or mess with your genetics, in fact the professional flower industry uses It all the time epically to meet holiday demand. Flowering requires 12 hours of uninterrupted dark, breaking that time up keeps the plant in vegatative growth, plain and simple. We use it with great results all whilst using less power. It's really worth a try, you'll be pleasantly surprised.
shits weak gambro . . . come back when you can relate plant biology to plant biology

i learned this from hippys, not from a technically written book about environment and variables impossible to predict . . its a method of light cycle manipulation . . nothing else

you still have to grow your own weed . .

I think this would cause some genetic issues if you bread the plants on this light cycle. I understand the botany of it, but this is not natural to the plant. Does it work, yes. Do I use it No for the reason it would change the genetics of the pant over time and then you would end up with a plant that required this. Sorry, but I for one am not interested in re-creating millions of years of mother nature.

been using this technique for 2+ years . . . . it works and it promotes even growth . . . .. natural even growth i have since stopped training(i still stake one draw back i think are stems are weaker but that could be cause i dont use silica at all, idk)

and let plants grow out naturally, i dont defoliate or trim off branches or nodes . . . . .any pop corn gets made in to oil or hash so their is no waste and the plant overall is higher yielding