12/12 600W HPS perpetual 4'x2'x5'


Active Member
TBH I got stoned WAY to early, So tahts why I was so mellow last night. But shit man, im always looking for a good meal.

im cleaning guns today , so ill be ready.

Also got a few handfuls of seeds for ya So you can start your seed collection.
i need to clean mine BAD..gotta knock the dust off 'em first....cant wait! i miss growing from seed..clones can be too fucking finicky, too often...


Active Member
sorry for slacking on the updates folks...been dealing with way too much shit lately...oh well here it is...
they look like shite...nowhere near enough weight...didnt veg 'em long enough, heat stress, mold, nute burn...couple more weeks and i should be pulling them... id like to forget this crop ever happened but it was a valuable learning experience and i needed it to avoid future complacency...
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those NL's on the right are taking off! should be some monsters...the blue diesels on the left are starting to fill out too...unfortunately im still seeing alot of stunted growth with the dynamites. ive seen the mothers and the end results from clones of the same plants and mine are pathetic looking in comparison...any thoughts?
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guna keep the ones in the big pots under the MH for a few days of veg to let 'em recover and spread their roots before i switch 'em...the ones in 1ltr pots im guna start a couple weeks later to give me a second harvest in august...
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got a 2nd A/C unit installed now so my temps have been WAY more manageable...been popping breakers all over the place so i had to get a few extension cords to balance the load more evenly throughout my apartments weakening grid lol...got some bud candy so i'll start implementing it into my flowering plants' feeding routine aswell...been noticing what i think might be N deficiency in alot of leaves and its becoming more prominent. i think this might also be why ive witnessed alot of stunted growth. going to start adding some veg nutes me thinks...started using this 'oregonism' root enhancer aswell with kelp, humic, mycorizhae & a bunch of other bennies...


Well-Known Member
looking great man! ya man mistakes should never be seen as a bad thing only great learning experiences . there is no such thing as perfection in fact without little screw ups throughout time the earth might not have even been around to give us all these beautiful plants we love so, net time ya fuck up on anything take that into consideration i always try to :D.


Well-Known Member
hey have you fed that dynamite that you are saying isnt really growing?

The one I got is begging for a feeding! I just put em in a bigger pot and gonna give it some food I bet after its gonna explode! I just put em with the other plants
(They are on the right) DSCF0172.jpg
Ill post again next week for comparison and we'll adjust your fire from there if your having feeding issues.

My last chop was a Skush (the bud i gave ya, btw you try it yet?)


Active Member
hey have you fed that dynamite that you are saying isnt really growing?

The one I got is begging for a feeding! I just put em in a bigger pot and gonna give it some food I bet after its gonna explode! I just put em with the other plants
(They are on the right) View attachment 2170388
Ill post again next week for comparison and we'll adjust your fire from there if your having feeding issues.

My last chop was a Skush (the bud i gave ya, btw you try it yet?)
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it has a sticker on it that says mango kush...was guna try it today, needed a little more dry before i could roll it up...
the small dynamites i was talking about are already a month old...the babies i have just got repotted in fresh FFOF so they should be good on feed for a week or two...and they've had more veg time so i hope they wont be as stunted...
do you have some extra veg nutes laying around? i think i really need to start adding some to avoid these small plant problems and these deficiencies im seeing...
guna text you...we gota link up and go take care of shit...


Well-Known Member
hey I know you like FFOF, but as your friend I would suggest switching.

I like clean, nute free soil. That way i know whats going in and when. I know exactly when it doesnt like something and its way easier to flush than a soil with compost in it.
I think you would see better results if you switched. Plus I think the shit I use is way cheaper and you get more value, plus its got bennies in it already! >40$ for 70lbs of dirt.
but like i said there is no nutes in it so your gonna have to buy nutrients. Which is grower choice but obviously i am gonna reccomend what I use, which ive used when I first started, I tried tons of shit, and now im back using it and will never differ again. Well maybe expierment but this will always be on my shelfs. I can get ya some of mine to last a little bit if you can only get the soil now (veg nutes). Also I got a flushing agent if you wanna use some for that one plant.

getting clones ready for ya so save space for atleast three (ak47 - mango kush and blueberry) :) They should be ready hopefully >10days. im going on lunch break to the hydro store and cutting tonight.


Active Member
id like to give a shout out and crazy +rep to my boy BBYY for hooking me up with this 2ft ak48:weed:...
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just put her in tent#1 this morning (day 1 12/12)...

...and i got some more babies...6 dynamites and 2 "big skunk korean"...
tent131 05.18.jpg


Well-Known Member
sweet man! thats a healthy looking ak 48 gonna love to see how that girl turns out and some other newbs :D i love getting new strains in


Active Member
sweet man! thats a healthy looking ak 48 gonna love to see how that girl turns out and some other newbs :D i love getting new strains in
i know bro im so excited :-D...speaking of excitement, you should be getting pretty ansty now with your ladies so close to the chop...cutting it a little close too i see with the trip planned lol...


Well-Known Member
haha you know it slinger , leavin thursday next week actually dippin down into your neck of the woods ... sorta haha im going to sasquatch music fest at the washigton goarge :D:D:D:D:D fucking super stoaked gonna be a shit show , but ya ima cut either some time this weekend or early next week and leave em to cure when im gone so when i get back they are good and ready to go :D


Active Member
haha you know it slinger , leavin thursday next week actually dippin down into your neck of the woods ... sorta haha im going to sasquatch music fest at the washigton goarge :D:D:D:D:D fucking super stoaked gonna be a shit show , but ya ima cut either some time this weekend or early next week and leave em to cure when im gone so when i get back they are good and ready to go :D
a good buddy of mine goes every time they got a big one down there....
PM me if you wana meet up...pretty sure you'll be driving right by my house lol...


Well-Known Member
ak47 bro ;) and that BSK is something special bro if its the real deal. Breeding genetics Soma used it in alot of his crosses. im gonn put it to good use too

here is a ak47 that finished, same cut so should expect this


Well-Known Member
woot! I think your gonna really wanna get that filter when the BSK gets going ;)

the ak will need support in the final weeks, they get pretty big ure gonna see. They dont really trip over food so thats good prolly just two good feedings n they will be good.

here is the thread that i post in man =, sub to it and follow along, im sure your gonna pick up some good info kicking it around with us


Well-Known Member
a good buddy of mine goes every time they got a big one down there....
PM me if you wana meet up...pretty sure you'll be driving right by my house lol...
thats sounds awesome man ill probly shoot ya a PM for sure time and our route of travel permitting of coarse :D , ya far from the gorge? love your 3 tent action plants are looking great man.