

Well-Known Member
I only kept 3 of the 4 clones they all rooted and grew but the 4th one never really took off so i ditched it the roots were growing it was just realy slow..........anyway the clones were taken exactly 14 days ago today and were taken from plants grown 12/12 and the clones have rooted and grown in 12/12 thus making the 1 box concept a total reality, in 14 days they have rooted and grow 2 k\nodes and throw pistils........



Well-Known Member
these 2 are in full bloom they are from my early work before I incorprated the stretch and topping into the scenario as you can see the are each about 6 inches tall, no branching just one main mini cola......i have come a long way in a short time I thhink



Well-Known Member
these ladies represent me figuring it out bongsmilie at least so far lol as you can see they are much taller and fuller than the early editions and have a ton of buddsites, they all got a trimming yesterday to remove some lower fan leaves theat were dying.........I expect these to be the standard by which my sucess or failure is meassured they all have a good 4-6 weeks to go, but it looks very good so far



Well-Known Member
wow very nice man. Thanks for your help with the jiffy peat pellets. I will be looking for them asap. Man I wish my wife said that. she doesn't like smoking really.lol I ca only hae three plants which is awesome ayway atleast I can partake in this awesome hobbie.


Well-Known Member
Last update for the week probably, I decided to do a little cloning today..... first i have a seedling thats a bit over 3 weeks old no balls yet so I toped it and will use the top as a clone....secondly one of the clones I took on 08-15, is growing really fast it is a known female the original mom is budding the clone hasnt shown its sex yet.........so off with her head, and another clone so that is 3 girls from one seed....................pictures below show before and after and everything back into the box



Well-Known Member
Thanks Man!
I love the perpetual 12/12 idea!!!!
Eventually I hope to end up with one to two ounces every two weeks...
But I am using all clones...
So far they have all survived...

Kudos and +rep to you!!!



Well-Known Member
Ok I have a dilema guys, one of my earlier plants should be ready to harvest about now, I dont track the dates anymore, i prefer just to look at the trichs and decide by that when to harvest, let nature tell me not the calendar :smile:, but the trichs are 5% clear 95%milky 5%amber, but the hairs(pistils) are still about 90% white, I normally like to take plants when the trichs are milky couchlock is not for me, I am a get shit done kind of stoner lol, should I give it more time? or take it now?? help me out guys


Well-Known Member
thanks for chiming in oden, that what I was thinking it just doesnt "look" ready even though the trichs tell a different story and everyone says go by the thrichs


Active Member
Hey man, Interesting idea for the 12/12 perpetual grow. I'll definitely be dropping in every once in awhile to see how it goes. Maybe even set up a perpetual grow of my own. I'm pretty limited for space where I live but this would be awesome if it works. Keep up the good work.


Well-Known Member
Hey man, Interesting idea for the 12/12 perpetual grow. I'll definitely be dropping in every once in awhile to see how it goes. Maybe even set up a perpetual grow of my own. I'm pretty limited for space where I live but this would be awesome if it works. Keep up the good work.
welcome stick around and if you do start a journal make sure you post a link too it

good enough for me, I wil give it another week or so and see what happens.......


Well-Known Member
didnt feel like taking any pics today...but all is well clones still green and perky the donors still looking good, as previously reported i will be waiting chop but the hairs are already more brown than they were at lights on so we will take one day at a time..........it is interesting to see different strains flowering next to each other seeing how some mature faster than others, there are 2 that will be rady soon one more sativa the other more idica the funny thing is although they are at least 4 weeks apart in actual age if you looked at them you would think they were only a week at the most apart, the indica is a west side seed these things flower fast once they get started........just one of the funny things I notice when i am stoned looking into my garden.............

ThE sAtIvA hIgH

Well-Known Member
not flaming or anything but im just thinking .....how much is this going to cost a week in electric and supplys , for a half ounce ? ... just seems like a big risk for a small amounty of weed .


Well-Known Member
well I only run 200 watts for 11.5 hours per day my pc uses 3x that and is on 24/7.my nutes can be bought at walmart for $10 and should last me at least 1 year, 1/2 oz of good smoke here gets 150-200 us, so half ounce a week x 4= 600-800 per month that stays in my pocket............and there is a risk in growing weed period, so I guess I dont understand your question IMHO, i take a bigger risk spending money with someone and having no idea what i am getting and from whom.........


Well-Known Member
well I only run 200 watts for 11.5 hours per day my pc uses 3x that and is on 24/7.my nutes can be bought at walmart for $10 and should last me at least 1 year, 1/2 oz of good smoke here gets 150-200 us, so half ounce a week x 4= 600-800 per month that stays in my pocket............and there is a risk in growing weed period, so I guess I dont understand your question IMHO, i take a bigger risk spending money with someone and having no idea what i am getting and from whom.........
oh not to mention the fact i really really enjoy this hobby a great deal, i find the entire process relaxing and interesteting.....bongsmilie