

Well-Known Member
3 months is a good number to get things going, it took me about that with the whole clone thing and my dream came true, i just went a whole month smoking my indica stash and now I'm moving into my ak47 stash while my sativa dries......oh yeah I have a harvest schedule in two weeks.....


Well-Known Member
I harvest about 1/4oz per plant or maybe a little less, 4-5 plants every 3 weeks nothing to brag but enough for me and my girl to smoke good shit hastle-free, i switched every light in my house to CFLs, got power strips and timers all over the house and my electric bill is actually less than before I started growing, anybody can do it..


Well-Known Member
I harvest about 1/4oz per plant or maybe a little less, 4-5 plants every 3 weeks nothing to brag but enough for me and my girl to smoke good shit hastle-free, i switched every light in my house to CFLs, got power strips and timers all over the house and my electric bill is actually less than before I started growing, anybody can do it..
sweet...I swapped all of mine out too....and you have everything to brag about you accomplished your goal thats what its all about in weed as in life lol:hump:


Well-Known Member
Yeah Brag away man, I'd love to have even that amount constantly without having to buy or deal with crap quality and just yeah. Thats I'm sure the reason 90% of us start growing. To supply our own for one reason or another we dont' wanna deal with others.

Things are looking good D man



Well-Known Member
i started from nothing and no knowledge this past January when it was cold and had nothing to smoke, i was depress and while i was hoping to find bud that might had fallen on the little closet i have in my bathroom i found some seeds and i decided i was gonna do this, got like 6 seeds, 3 made it to flower and 1 was a female(my sativa), my indica came from a different stash and right when i was on my way to grow my plants I got an ounce of ak47 and the rest is cloning history....
not the fattest buds or the biggest plants since it's all 10 cfls in my closet but i smoke some of the best shit I've ever smoked and i have 7 months of experience


Well-Known Member
everything is fine in hempy town :hump:......I have to start another bean tomorrow to replace the one I pulled last week....but all is looking pretty good, I had to bump up my nute dosage, and I think the superthrive has helped..... I have 4 that should be showing sex in the next week or so, and they are looking much better than the first set did at this stage...so here are a couple of snap shots of those on deck


Wolfman Zen

Well-Known Member
BigD first I want to commend you for your efforts and ingenuity....


I can see how much trouble you are having starting from seed in just one cab... I know your intention was to keep it simple in one cab... but I can't just sit here and read about all your hard work knowing that you could be happier applying your hard work and getting a great reward for it..... if you just had one more cab... I simpler cab. Just a couple cfls, passive intake, small fan exhaust.. no filter needed.

If you can..... Get a second cab going with one clone mother, and a simple clone bobble tub.

Take clippings of your mother, put them in your bobbler with a drop of superthrive. As soon as your clones have descent roots, simply transplant them in your cups.

No more waiting for seeds to sprout
No more messing with rockwool
No more waiting to see if they are girls or males
No more MALES!
By the time the clones have roots, they will also have a descent veg time to them which means bigger buds
Still have your perpetual mini sog

Best of all, you can get started on the mother/clone cab, and keep your current cab going.... as soon as you have clones from the mother/clone cab... simply start introducing them to your flowering cab, and before you know it... your whole system will be in gear with less effort and frustration.

Just a suggestion..... =]


Well-Known Member
lol no worries my friend but thats been done to death, I want to do something different....and I am not having any problems at all so far... the only plus in my mind in doing a seperate mother clone area is that you know you are getting a female...personally I dont mind the ocassional male, it will give me a chance to try some breeding etc....I have cloned and flowered clones before, I prefer working with seeds so far, but thanks brother

Wolfman Zen

Well-Known Member
Right on man... and you know I'll be tuned in to your experiment (love trying new things). Since your main goal is knowledge then you are all ready bringing in a huge yield.. I know me and the everyone else watching has learned plenty with your thread.. plus a virtual never ending supply of mini-nugs... can't argue with that =]..


Micro ebb/flow (NOW DWC), all CFL ScrOG, perpetual Stealth locker
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Well-Known Member
still waiting on the new batch to start showing signs of sex......on a positive note myordor control seems to be working, when I open my grow box the sweet smell of weed smacks you right in the face, as long as the box is closed you smell nothing at all :hump:


Well-Known Member
update...my next batch are all sexed 3 females 1 male:hump:, so I am still happy with my reslts so far, although I am giving some serious thought to setting up a mother clone box of sorts, my wife thinks its a good idea lol.... we will see how I feel today I could easily setup a seperate area so maybe I will not sure yet..... I am glad the male showed himself (took 32 days by the way) gave me a chance to examine the roots etc, and I am thinking the 16 oz cups may be a bit small, I could probably get away with it, but I think it may hurt me in the long run even tho 32oz cups are more than enough room I think that is better than not enough so going forward I will start in 16oz cups til sexed then transplant to 32oz cups , if I start doing the mom clone thing moms will be in 32oz cups clones will start in 16oz for first 30 days then finish in 32oz...what do you guys think??


Well-Known Member
mine are 32oz cups and so far so good,
besides, when i harvested the ones i had transplanted into my giant hempy I noticed the roots hadn't grown that much deeper from the cups, the only problem is stability so I'll get me some cup holders from the fast food place and problem fixed, my moms are in 32oz cups so go for it man and set up the mom clone box like mine.....