12/12 cycle when should i water and move my plants? lights on or off?


Well-Known Member
Pretty much like the title states, when is the best time to water, check ph in the soil and move them around. I have 6 girls, under a 600 watt HPS. Should i do it while the lights are on or off. im in flowering, i know they need total darkness, just wondering what you guys do.

Thanks for the help!


Well-Known Member
water when the lights are off and use VERY bright fog lights if ya can

n when you are checkin the PH make sure you stab it into the bottom of the stem as this is the best way you can check the PH levels


Well-Known Member
water when the lights are off and use VERY bright fog lights if ya can

n when you are checkin the PH make sure you stab it into the bottom of the stem as this is the best way you can check the PH levels
lol water and check ph with the lights on


Well-Known Member
Yea, he was making fun because your question doesn't make a whole lot of sense. Could you really water in a room that is pitch black? Sounds difficult to me...


Active Member
its important when you're in the dark part of the 12 hours that it is COMPLETELY dark, no light at all, so how could you water like that?


Well-Known Member
You are simulating a perfect outside condition in your home. If you think about places where weed grows really well, (tropics). They have rain in the day time because of the humidity levels. When it rains at night in the tropics it's cause a storm 99% of the time. You want to water in the day time. Depending on how well your system holds water. I would water 3 times per day for 15 minutes each time (sunrise, noon, sunset). If your system holds water well, then 2 times for 20 minutes (sunrise, sunset).


Well-Known Member
i am hand watering my plants, i dont have hydro set up for this grow. is it still recommend to water that often. i ve been doing hand watering about every 2 or 3 days, depends on the moisture meter.


Well-Known Member
I could not tell you 100% for soil and don't want to give you bad advice in that regard. But I'm sure that answer has to be on this board someplace. Look around, Search some <tags> you'll prob get your answer quicker that way. I find when I have a problem that I can find the answer on here 99% of the time with as little as 5 minutes of looking around. One thing I have watched in videos about soil growing, is that if your plants are in the proper trays, it's hard to over water them at certain stages in growth. But still I would read around just to make 100% sure.


Well-Known Member
Yea every 3 days is about right. Varies somewhat on conditions, of course. You DO want the soil to dry out in between waterings (so air can get to the roots). And over watering is very possible, so be careful. Under watering is very possible too...but it's also easier to fix.


Well-Known Member
yea its good to water soil every 2-3 days but I noticed in a different post your using tap water are you letting it sit for 24hrs before use? If not its a good thing to do I can't tell you to much about soil just started on it best with hydro. I hope I was of little help GOOD LUCK!!