12/12 Flowering (4 Weeks)


Well-Known Member
My plants have been on 12/12 since seed for about a month now. How come they havent started to flower?? They are starting to smell and the leaves have little crystals on them?? Soon im hoping...


Well-Known Member
the plant will only begin to flower when it is mature enough to flower. im guessing that the plant is about 12-15 inches tall with about 10-12 nodes developing or developed. ide wait. its just because your plant is not mature enough to flower.


Active Member
My plants have been on 12/12 since seed for about a month now. How come they havent started to flower?? They are starting to smell and the leaves have little crystals on them?? Soon im hoping...
I thought they need 18+ hrs of light a day from seed? Then once they are tall enough switch to 12/12?


Well-Known Member
They are not that tall yet. About 8 inches, developing their 9/10th nodes. Hopefully soon, im patiently waiting :D.


Well-Known Member
This is why 12/12 from seed IMO doesn't have any advantage over veging a month then flowering, unless you just want your plants to grow slowly. As dark said the plant wont flower before it is mature, plants mature when they are about 4-5 weeks old, so why not give them more light until then? Your plants will grow faster and be bigger when they do flower meaning you will have more bud and you will have grown it in the same amount of time. The only reason I can see for doing 12/12 from seed is if your grow space is vertically challenged and you want really short plants.


Well-Known Member
Yea I wanted to 12/12 from seed seen as im using cfls, and just trying to get a sucessful grow. Finally I am in flowering stage :D. They seem to be coming along very nicley. I would say im on my 3 week and im guestimating they will be done around x-mas or new years. Ill post some pics if they site will let me upload them!!


Well-Known Member
Here we go, here are some pictures. They seem to be doing pretty good for about 3 weeks of flowering so far. I need to stop and get some diff cfls seen as they are not the right light spectrum.



Well-Known Member
I never butchered my plants. This is just 12/12 from seed. It took about a whole month to show sex. Im happy with what I have. I wasnt exspecting much, just exsperiment. All of my plants are growing fine, no problems at all. I need to get that 20$ 150W Hps or just some diff cfls. But ill prob go with cfls since I have store credit for lowes =P. Btw these pics are couple days old, and i recently added more lights. They are growing very quickly :D!!!


Well-Known Member
I never butchered my plants. This is just 12/12 from seed. It took about a whole month to show sex. Im happy with what I have. I wasnt exspecting much, just exsperiment. All of my plants are growing fine, no problems at all. I need to get that 20$ 150W Hps or just some diff cfls. But ill prob go with cfls since I have store credit for lowes =P. Btw these pics are couple days old, and i recently added more lights. They are growing very quickly :D!!!

Are you saying that you haven't trimmed anything off them? They are definitely in flower, no doubt, but the foliage is looking kinda sparse. Dude, don't cut leaves, any leaves, I don't care WHO told you to. Those leaves convert the nutes into usable food/fuel for the plant. Buds need these, and cutting leaves is like putting the plant on a diet.

Those plants look like lollipops. What happened to all the undergrowth? You saying they grew that way?


Well-Known Member
How bigs ur house, just wondering if it smells it all up.
The house im in is 4600sq ft..
How stinky you think it'll get.. LOL


Well-Known Member
Smell all depends on where your plants are located at in your house. My advice is to never have your plants on the main floor. I know some people only have a room or two to work with, but its ideal if you can have your plants in the attic. Smells tend to rise, thus, not polluting your main living area.


Well-Known Member
I had cut off a couple fan leaves on each plant due to the bulbs burning them, but I know better not to cut any off. Couple minuets ago I just got back from lowes and bought 5 40W 2700k bulbs :D, my plants are going to love these!! Ill post some pics in couple days.