12/12 from Clone, how does she Look?


Well-Known Member
no such thing as an ugly female mj plant
you haven't seen my plants :cry: lol, they are about 3 1/2 feet tall, super skinny almost falling over. It's because I vegged them for 4 weeks under this cheap 250w, and I really didn't monitor the temps until I started flowering.


Well-Known Member
my 2 big plants are Pure Power Plant from nirvana-shop. they were growing great for the first month, but as soon as I started flowering they started stretching like crazy. i like the strain but it needs more powerful lighting for decent results


Well-Known Member
that looks really good!!! nice and healthy and lotsa bud sites for that lil gurl... good luck on ur wieght!!!


Well-Known Member
nice, i have nirvanas femed ppp and wonder woman 4 weeks into veg right now. I'll try to post some pics in a few.


hay whats gowing on guys i started growing this plant not to long ago and its starting to flourish with color , iv grown befor but i have no idea what kind this is, the stems/branches are very young and very dark purple/red, i no its a type of sativa i think but im not sure any of you all have any idea what this could be the seed i got from my home town out of my sac i was smokeing it was just some regular bud nothing great but it didnt have as much color as this , im hopin when i get ore buds on it ill be able to no , hope ya all can assist me with this /Users/codymawdsley/Desktop/0814091954.jpg/Users/codymawdsley/Desktop/0814091937.jpg


Well-Known Member
well i typically veg for 2 mths and try to get some clones but my clones never take they always die. i'm sure i'm doing something wrong but what ever i'll figure it out. I need to repot them soon, just started LST for the first time. Have you smoked ppp before?


Well-Known Member
i plucked some immature buds off my plants and smoked them if that counts lol :joint: other than that I've never tried it. one of the plants is budding nicely but the other one is very skinny it's not going to produce much. the durban poison clone looks like it will yield more than both combined and its 1/3 the size lol. i'll take some pics of them but i'm warning you they are ugly :(

just a word of advice, I would start flowering soon if I were you, I vegged for exactly 4 weeks they were about the same size as yours and they are almost 4ft now. I fail at taking clones too, I don't have a dome I just keep them under cfl but they still die.


Well-Known Member
thanks for the advice, I'll repot today and put them into flower next week. I did take a small cutting off the wonder woman last night, all i'm doing with this 1 is leaving it in a cup of water to c if anything happens. I typic. dip in water then root hormone then into dirt or rockwool & then they go into the dome but it always fails.


Well-Known Member
here they are, some hps pics of my ppp ladies plz don't laugh lol. i only took pics of the tops because the rest looks ugly :( sorry for the crappy quality i'm getting a new cam soon



Well-Known Member
i think u can yeild alot more than an oz off that
im expecting about an oz from each plant, but who knows they are only 4 weeks, they should start packing on weight soon. I'm just glad I'll have some smokable buds from this harvest :weed: thanks for all the input guys


Active Member
If you've had difficulty cloning, I'd recommend going to an aeroponic clone method if you haven't tried already. You can make your own or buy one ready-made like the Daisy Cloner 8 site. I must've taken 40+ clippings that we tried to get going in rockwool, oasis, and any number of other cloning material. With domes, without domes, everythying we could think of.

Went from 0/40 to now 15/16 using the Daisy Cloner. Like magic.