12/12 from Clone, how does she Look?


Well-Known Member
week 5, 3 weeks left :joint::) here's some more pics of her in my bathtub lol, the only place with good enough light for pics. the upper sugar leaves are starting to curl and turn brown but im guessing thats normal... let me know what you think!



Well-Known Member
pH testing strips work better than those soil testers, I've had 3 and they were all inaccurate pieces of shit, had no problems using the strips, they cost next to nothing either.
i got both just incase :D and majek, I love the deep green color, looks nice and healthy :)


Well-Known Member
absolutely beautiful lady you got their bro, btw my ppp is 1 week into flowering and she is showing her pistols already, the wonder woman on the other hand might be a dude not sure yet.


Well-Known Member
good to hear smokin1, I hope they are both ladies. my ppp plants showed their pistils in week 1 also, they are looking beautiful now only 2 weeks left :joint::) they are so top-heavy I had to stake them before they fell over lol. didn't you say you were growing from feminized beans?


Well-Known Member
yup, but I was lookin at the wonder woman and she has a couple of bumps on each node, hoping to see some hairs pop out. I'll post some picks in a few.


Well-Known Member
Here are my girls, couldnt get the bumps to come out clean. Also my burt as clone, roots are really coming out now. Dont bother commenting on the one leaf, i fucked up re-potting her.

Made a aero-cloner last night, hoping to take 3 clones each.



Well-Known Member
thanks :) she is a heavy producer, I kind of wish I would've vegged her now. the original grower got his seeds from attitude so I might purchase more for my next op. i love the way she grows, nice and bushy with deep red stems


Well-Known Member
No nutes yet, going to introduce them to Fox Farms tiger bloom and big bloom next watering. Bushy as hell, going to clear some of it out when i take the clones.


Well-Known Member
8 days left on my ppp ladies :) i'm gonna start flushing tomarrow. The clone is 6 days behind the rest I'm gonna give it 1 more good feeding before I flush. I'll take some new pics and post them asap :)


Well-Known Member
The smell is very mild while it grows, compared to the durban poison which stinks ALOT. PPP has more of a "limey" smell, but I won't know how it tastes until I cure it properly :) buds are super frosty though i think it will be a very smooth smoke


Well-Known Member
NICE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm getting so stoked.

Both my ladies exploded with growth this past week. Will be posting some pics Friday, they'll be 2 weeks old then.


Well-Known Member
well, my ppp is 2 days from harvest, i took some pics but my camera is broken :( im going to radio shack tomarrow to pick up another usb cord then ill post them. the main cola on the durban clone is getting HUGE, I can't wait to harvest :D


Well-Known Member
here it is... the moment we've all been waiting for, at least I have anyway lol

The o.g. told me to chop at 8 weeks so that's exactly what I did. I probably should've let her go another week but I'm desparate if you know what I mean :joint::) I didn't weigh it wet because I don't want to be dissapointed but I'll weigh it when its fully dry. It's not the biggest yield in the world but alot more than I expected of 12/12 from clone with a single 250w hps. All in all I'm happy with my first successful grow, I learned ALOT and it only gets better from here :) Thanks to everyone here at RIU for all the help and advice!

Before trim/harvest:

After trim:

After harvest:

more pics coming soon!


Well-Known Member
looks like it could have used that extra week, but i know what you mean... either way it looks beautiful.. awesome color looks nice and dense. awesome job.. looks like u got an ounce or so there.