12/12 from clones or veg for 1 week to 4 weeks


Well-Known Member
Hello rollitup, need help maximizing my yield should i go 12/12 from 7 days rooted clones or veg for a 1 to 4 weeks before flowering? I am planning to constantly harvest every 4 weeks but don't really want to keep mother plants, cutting and vegging plants if i can avoid it, in the place where i am, as i would prefer to use all electric of 6x 600s hps for flowering instead of vegging also to save space,

What would you suggest?

should i run 2 rooms 12/12 from clones? What yield would i expect? I only want estimates i am trying to get an idea what can be achieved in ideal conditions?


should i do a veg room with with 1x 600 mh? on 18/6 for 1 to 4 weeks, trained/topped/super-cropped etc then move in to flower room to finish,

my ultimate goal is to achieve as much medicine as possible with the least electric used and increasing productivity every 4 weeks


Well-Known Member
if you want yield.. veg it out and just shorten your span of wanting to harvest.. one nicely grown plant will trump 10 12/12's in my opinion


Well-Known Member
You want to set up a perpetual grow that harvests every 4 weeks. Unless you go all auto you will need at least one veg room and one
room 4 times as big for flowering. I'm doing the same thing but harvesting 1-2 plants a week. And my lights are one 1000W for flowering
and a 400W in the veg room. So you got plenty of lights.

Your yield will greatly increase with a 3-4 week veg period instead of just one week. Vegging is like adolescence in people. If you eliminate
a majority of the plants' quality grow time you are shooting yourself in the foot if you care about yield at all. A 12 week grow will dwarf the yield
of the same plants only going 9 weeks.

Good luck, BigSteve.


Active Member
If you can, split yur grow area in half so you can run half the lights on while other half is off and when the first set go off, the next set comes on. Your mother can get 24 hour light by just moving to the light side. Depending on the size of your area, and how many you can veg (not to hard to do in a perpetual) you can even veg a week or so the same way.
Edit: To high to splain 100% but yu get the idea I hope.


Well-Known Member
If you can, split yur grow area in half so you can run half the lights on while other half is off and when the first set go off, the next set comes on. Your mother can get 24 hour light by just moving to the light side. Depending on the size of your area, and how many you can veg (not to hard to do in a perpetual) you can even veg a week or so the same way.
Edit: To high to splain 100% but yu get the idea I hope.
whybotherwithyou thanks for the advice and thanks to rest of you fellow growers, so your saying i should have a room set up on flip flop so 12 hrs on one room and 12 off other room an then vice versa.

How much could i possibly yield from flowering cuttings with say one week to root.


Active Member
Cuttings taken during flowering will probably need to be revegged a bit if you want them to be big at all


Well-Known Member
has anyone ever done a SOG 12/12 from rooted cuttings at 7 days old?
If so whats the average yield that has been achieved?