12/12 from seed, 19th day from seed...slight problem. PLEASE HELP!!!


Hi. Here's one that I'm trying to test my "green fingers" on. It's 19 days since I put it in soil, 13 days since it sprouted. I did soak the seeds in water. I have a second one which is doing terribly (will post pics later). What do you think? I'm using two cfls; one 65w 6400k + one 40w. I keep them on a 12/12 regime (albeit a few power outs due to some utility repairs). What do you think would happen if they don't get the lights at the exact time once in a while? I still try to make sure that when the lights come on, they stay on for another 12/12. Any help would be welcome.image.jpgimage.jpg


New Member
I hate cfls..... that is terribly small for 13 days. and it looks like ts streching badly.. might want to read up some more on growing


x.x You need to look up how to calculate how many lumens per square foot you have in your grow area. If I remember correctly, the sun can put out 5000-10000 lumens per square foot outside, so you want to replicate that indoors as close as possible. You mentioned bulb temperature in kelvins and it looks like your on the right track so keep doing some more research on light spectrum's. Just some rough math in my head real quick but a 65w cfl will get you around 3k lumens, give or take some. and a 40w will get you roughly 2k lumens so you barely have 5k lumens total. To try and stop your plants from stretching, like stated above, move your CFL bulbs as close the plants as possible, 1-2 inches away. this should help you keep em alive until you can do some more research. I started out just like you and still do research every time I start a new grow, so don't stop learning.


Well-Known Member
oh yeah, and keep the light on for at least 16 hours not a 12/12 cycle.
There is nothing wrong with 12/12 from seed. There's a dedicated thread which has over 1000 pages and is being updated daily by people growing 12/12 from seed.


Very little progress for there age mate, get some more cfls in there, and turn them horizontally, what soil you using? What's your temps & RH? How often and how much are you watering? I'm guna try 12/12 from seed once I upgrade to hps, shed a little more light on your growing conditions fella.


There is nothing wrong with 12/12 from seed. There's a dedicated thread which has over 1000 pages and is being updated daily by people growing 12/12 from seed.
I was just assuming he was not quite up to date on flowering from seed and might not have meant to flower them right away? I guess thats what I get from assuming though lol.


Well-Known Member
xD wasn't sure if I could say that on the forum without repercussion lol
Don't worry, I'm sure if you stick around long enough, you'll see plenty of foul mouthed bickering, especially in threads that are on touchy subjects which shall remain anonymous in fear of sparking off some horrible debate/argument/slanging match.
Guys, I'm new so tell me if I'm being a dick.
But isn't that pot way too big for a seedling, and could it be the result of such a tall thin sprout?