12/12 From Seed: A Different Way To Grow


Well-Known Member

photo: courtesy of Atmosphere

This thread is devoted to an excellent method of growing our favorite plant. “12/12 From Seed” is a proven way to grow pot, and produces yields up to 1 gram of dried bud per 1 watt of electricity consumed (eg: a 400 watt HPS light is able to produce a harvest of 400 grams). It is a very good choice for growers who have a limited amount of space to set up their gardens. The cannabis grown this way is potent, sticky, and yes…stinky. Most pot plants suffer no ill effects from being grown under this light regimen.

Typically, in traditional method, the cannabis cultivator will start their plants with a lighting regimen that provides anywhere from 18 to 24 hours of light a day, called the ‘vegetation’ phase, to make the plant grow as large as possible, increasing the amount of ‘budding sites’ on the plant. Once the plant has grown large, it is forced into flowering by switching the lighting regimen to 12 hours on/12 hours off. This results in plants that produce copious yields, but take up considerable space.

“12/12 From Seed” eliminates the vegetation phase. As soon as the seed sprouts through the surface it is given a light regimen of 12 hours on/12 hours off. Plants grown this way do not grow as tall as they would if given a vegetation phase. The shape of the plants is also different, losing much of their natural ‘bush’ quality. Our plants tend to be shaped like a “pole,” with the main bud formation happening along the main stem of the plant. This allows the grower to fit more plants per square foot/meter. It also makes possible gardens in spaces that growing larger, bush-like plants would be impossible. The shorter height of these plants also works in concert with the limited penetration distance that exists with any/all forms of indoor lighting.

Other than the difference in the lighting regimen, growing cannabis using this method is the same as the more traditional way. You still need to learn about the other important factors in growing a healthy garden, such as; proper nutrient levels; maintaining the correct PH level; controlling temperature, humidity, and odor; and providing ventilation. Because we are starting from seed, most of us use soil as our medium, although other mediums may be used. Other than that, all other personal choices to control the environment is the same as growing any other way.

This method does have its critics. Most of these critics have never tried to grow this way, they are just passing along commonly held mis-information without having actual experience. The main criticism is that the yields gotten from this method are minuscule and not worth the time involved. We challenge that, with the experience of a grower called “Atmosphere” who gets 1 gram of dried bud for each watt of electricity used (that would be a harvest of 8 ounces from a 250 watt HPS light!). “Atmosphere” had a thread back on Overgrow, which is where many of us first encountered this method, and he is held in high regard among folks who grow this way. He visits this thread and provides solid information based on years of experience.

Some critics claim that the amount of the main cannabinoid, THC, produced by plants grown this way is less than plants that are allowed to mature with a vegetation phase. This opinion is based on a study done many years ago, well before modern gardening techniques took hold, and almost certainly did not test any plants that were grown using this lighting regimen. New tests must be done, that’s all there is to it. More importantly, the empirical evidence from those who have grown this way, and the experience of their friends who have smoked these plants, is that this cannabis is just as potent as any they have ever smoked (strain variety taken into account, of course). If there is any difference in THC percentages, it is minute, and not noticeable to the cannabis consumer.

Keep an open mind, and observe our results. Try growing some of your own crops with this method and then make up your mind as to whether there is some mighty fine ganja to be grown this way.

(thanks Hal):leaf:


Well-Known Member
The “12/12 From Seed” method would be well-served by a dedicated “Strain Report” section. One factor that has yet to be gauged regarding this method is how each particular strain’s genetics responds to this lighting regimen. Because this method will be of particular interest to those who have limited space to set-up their gardens, knowing how each strain behaves with this method is of the utmost importance before choosing the seeds.

We strongly encourage all who are growing a crop with this method to compile notes, and photos (if possible), of the entire grow as it progresses. Once the crop has been harvested (and cured and tasted if possible..) then post a report on it. This compilation can be done on your own computer, or you can initiate a post in the thread and periodically update it through the EDIT function (remember, there is a limit to the amount of info that can be put into one post, so there will be a need to be brief, and keep it to one photo only) Here comes the most IMPORTANT part…we need to reserve THIS title given to these reports:

12/12 Strain Report: ___________ by:__________

The blanks being the name of the strain that has been grown and the seedbank it came from. If we only use those words in the post title then when we search using those words we will go straight to the desired strain report. This will benefit everyone who grows this way, yourself included. Picking the wrong strain for your particular space requirements will end up being a major headache, and its best if we can avoid doing that. This will go a long way in helping us do that.

Here is some important information to include in your report:

1) your experience level...just put a short note in there about how long you've been growing pot.

2) Lighting...type of light and its wattage.

3) Container size...can be container volume or dimensions. This can affect plant and bud size.

4) Soil recipe/mix...just like a cookbook, don't forget the perlite %

5) Watering schedule...what is your technique?

6) Nutrients used...and the schedule you employ when adding them.

7) Time until sexing...how long from the time it sprouts until it shows its sex.

8) Total flower time...how long did you flower it, mention trichome and pistil appearance at harvest.

9) Conclusion...your general satisfaction level, things you might do differently next time.


i'm convinced i plane on trying it i have ben woundering this for a long time i'm glad someone has tried it and it has worked


Well-Known Member
I've done it and it does seem to work very well for no veg. I'll post back with more details soon but to answer your question I used a very light dose of N for the first week or so and then a mix of grow and bloom. When it shows pistils "hopefully" then just start with your normal feeding regimen just like you would growing normal. I pulled 15g's out of a party cup off funky unknown bagseed and it only took 20 days from germ to show sex. It does work and when you do it from clone the results seem to get even better!

I will say the potency was just as good as there vegged cousins:)


Active Member
I'll have to check back, seems legit, if a plant can do it with that amount of light naturally I dont see why not


Active Member
I remember reading a grow thread a while back where I believe someone tried this with bad results, they were pretty new to growing so I would suggest only to the more expierenced grower.

I myself am very interested in trying this after my next harvest.
thats what i did with my first grow a bagseed and a specker box and mg fert and one 42 watt 2700k cfl lol got 5gs dry lol i guess not bad for a noob
it works try it i would use clones but it dont reaily mater i guess.


Well-Known Member
It has to be a a regular photo period strain, autoflower strains flower at a particular age in their life cycle... not photo-period change. ( due to their partial ruderalis lineage.)

col. forbin

Active Member
autoflower strains are cetianly different. this thread is interesting. I like doing autos on 12/12. Seems to guarantee the shortest time to harvest. I am keeping an eye on this to see who tries it....


Well-Known Member

How do you re-produce them? do you have mothers or do you clone them while in flower? Or just plant new seeds every time?
cheers man, from seed at mo but running out so going to have a mother and clone........would miss this strain to much, may cross with amsterdam haze.....