12/12 from seed CFL party cups

Sorry, I've been away for a while guys.. I got hospitalized for having mental breakdowns constantly and i'm kinda on suicide watch and observation and cant even be at my house.. Good thing about it, I'm now prescribed to 2mg xanax bars.. Makes life a little easier..

I gave the taller plant to a buddy of mine and stripped the little shit off the little plant, which isnt so little anymore.. I'm down to one plant, got all my light focused on it.. I kinda dont have time to take care of it the way I want to, cause i'm not at my house for a while.. I was able to snap a couple pics of the plant, the buds are fat as fuck and even the little buds are nice and dense.. Trichs are really starting to form.. I gave my gallon jug away so I had to make a quick preparation of water and nutes and additives in a party cup.. Only because I came in my house and saw her all droopy, she needed water bad.. I gave her the brew I made up and she perked right back up.. Shes a daily waterer in that little party cup..

Here's the pics..

0512122013a.jpg 0512122013.jpg :hump:

Keep watching, cause I'll keep updating.. oh yeah, and keep smoking and stay high.. :joint: :joint: :joint:
Hey man she's pulling through alright anyways. Hopefully you get home just in time to harvest some fresh wonderful homegrown. Stay positive bro.
I fuckin love xanex. Around here we call them bars and they sell for four dollars a piece. Lile that other guy said, positive vibes your way my man. Life is worth living. Smoke some herb. Stay high
should make a fat joint...

I think I'll get an 8th to a quad off this lil girl.. Nothing too much.. I just like to grow, I dont grow for profit or really to smoke even.. I just grow to have fun and have something to do.. I'll probably just smoke the final product with some close friends..
Also, I got an outdoor thread in the outdoor section if you would like to check it out, I will post a link.. I expect a much larger yield from the outdoor grow, obviously..
Sorry, I've been away for a while guys.. I got hospitalized for having mental breakdowns constantly and i'm kinda on suicide watch and observation and cant even be at my house.. Good thing about it, I'm now prescribed to 2mg xanax bars.. Makes life a little easier..

I gave the taller plant to a buddy of mine and stripped the little shit off the little plant, which isnt so little anymore.. I'm down to one plant, got all my light focused on it.. I kinda dont have time to take care of it the way I want to, cause i'm not at my house for a while.. I was able to snap a couple pics of the plant, the buds are fat as fuck and even the little buds are nice and dense.. Trichs are really starting to form.. I gave my gallon jug away so I had to make a quick preparation of water and nutes and additives in a party cup.. Only because I came in my house and saw her all droopy, she needed water bad.. I gave her the brew I made up and she perked right back up.. Shes a daily waterer in that little party cup..

Here's the pics..

View attachment 2165072 View attachment 2165073 :hump:

Keep watching, cause I'll keep updating.. oh yeah, and keep smoking and stay high.. :joint: :joint: :joint:

Hey man hope you feel better bro, I know how it feels. When I was doing a routine patrol with 6 of my battles(my comrades) we where ambushed by heavily armed insurgents. So basically fighting for our life we were pinned down in a building we cleared earlier and where under attack for 72 hours we had no backup which was complete bullshit but to make a long story short my best friend who I went to school with and BCT(Bootcamp) was blown up in front of me and then another one of my guys was shot in the neck and he bled out in my arms. I had a mental breakdown right there, but I snapped out of it and continued on with the mission. Don't worry we fucked those insurgents up after that. Got a purple heart that day got shot in the shoulder.

But life is hard man crazy shit can come out of nowhere and fuck shit up. The only thing I can say bro is stay positive take it day by day.
be careful with those xanax I heard if you get addicted to them its one of the worst withdrawals to recover from.
Focus on these plants bro haha.

They are looking good too man +rep and subbed
ive had more than a few breakdowns from the war...and gotten all kinds of screwed up by all the drugs they wanna give you...watch yourself dude all those pills can end up driving you to a worse state...truly hope things get a little easier for you man...stay high and keep growing!
You guys are gonna all be pissed, but hey, so am I.. I had to clean my house ASAP, cause I found out after I gave that "buddy" a plant, he was a confidential informant for the local law enforcement.. I trashed everything grow related and put it in a family members trash to save my ass from trash pickers.. I was too scared to even dry the plant so I just trashed it too.. I'm in a non legal state, so I didnt fuck around with getting rid of EVERYTHING.. I still have some cleaning up to do, cause my grow spot wasnt the cleanest.. but I figure I got about a month before police kick in my door.. Enough time to completely change up the way my house looks.. It looked like a trap house to be honest, but its gonna be the cleanest house on the block when me and some friends are done.. The "buddy" was asking all kinds of questions about how i grow and what i use to grow with and the lights and shit.. I should have known it was a setup... I'm probably gonna stop growing for a long time now, gotta get my head straight anyways.. I can't be getting arrested, even though they may have enough on me already for a cultivating/possession charge.. I think I'm fucked, so I'm gonna stop posting on this thread.. So sorry to all my subscribers.. My city is fucked law enforcement and snitch wise so it was only a matter of time..

I will however still be doing my outdoor grow.. Its on another property and i'm not worried about it.. Sorry to everyone.. FUCK SNITCHES AND NARCS!!!
You guys are gonna all be pissed, but hey, so am I.. I had to clean my house ASAP, cause I found out after I gave that "buddy" a plant, he was a confidential informant for the local law enforcement.. I trashed everything grow related and put it in a family members trash to save my ass from trash pickers.. I was too scared to even dry the plant so I just trashed it too.. I'm in a non legal state, so I didnt fuck around with getting rid of EVERYTHING.. I still have some cleaning up to do, cause my grow spot wasnt the cleanest.. but I figure I got about a month before police kick in my door.. Enough time to completely change up the way my house looks.. It looked like a trap house to be honest, but its gonna be the cleanest house on the block when me and some friends are done.. The "buddy" was asking all kinds of questions about how i grow and what i use to grow with and the lights and shit.. I should have known it was a setup... I'm probably gonna stop growing for a long time now, gotta get my head straight anyways.. I can't be getting arrested, even though they may have enough on me already for a cultivating/possession charge.. I think I'm fucked, so I'm gonna stop posting on this thread.. So sorry to all my subscribers.. My city is fucked law enforcement and snitch wise so it was only a matter of time..

I will however still be doing my outdoor grow.. Its on another property and i'm not worried about it.. Sorry to everyone.. FUCK SNITCHES AND NARCS!!!

Shit man better safe then sorry with bubba in jail. yeah and the cops will wait a little and make you feel like they arnt coming and BAMMM they hit you hard. Got one of my best friends like that luckly his dad was the judge so he got like probation or like a 1000hrs of community service lol
ive had more than a few breakdowns from the war...and gotten all kinds of screwed up by all the drugs they wanna give you...watch yourself dude all those pills can end up driving you to a worse state...truly hope things get a little easier for you man...stay high and keep growing!

Exactly^ pills are horrible
My heart truly goes out to all the soldiers out there who have been trough such extreme traumatic experiences at the hands of rich and greedy psychopaths in suits. I wish young American's weren't so damn ho-rah and eager to be "ARMY STRONG" or "THE FEW, THE PROUD" If no one would enlist, there would be no army. If there were no army, how could there be war?