Ya know, I think you're right Dro. I'm used to 3 day drys, then a sweat, then a jar and they go in smelling like hay.
The critical cheese did 6 day dry, 1 day sweat and he might be over dried but does NOT smell like hay so I agree with what you said.
What you have to understand is that was a "general " rule I gave you. Correct, but general.
My BIG LADIES, they WILL take 7 days or better to dry that way. YOUR little ones, 4 days or so, maybe 5 would do it.
By leaving on some leaf you give yourself some cushion. You NEED to feel the TOP bud every day, and pull it off the hanger when
it is FIRM, not spongy, BUT NOT crunchy..............Firm to the squeeze, not soft feeling, and not so dry anything breaks when you do this.
Like I said my 1/2 oz Widows took 5 days or so. The S.S, slightly bigger, are still hanging, I will check them tomorrow night after work.
You GOT IT RIGHT when: After the hang, you can trim the Buds tight, and can smoke a small portion of a Bud, and it will burn correctly.
Trim them close, put into a jar to seat a day or two in the dark cool area, open for 1/2 a day..............YOUR DONE!!!
The weed should smell "fresh", but not like hay...........that means it is wet still. IT will have about 65 % of it's final smell when it is hung dry correctly.
My Widow I'm burning right now smells excellent...............in jar 1 day!!
Keep practicing, you will "learn" the "feel" of the Bud when it is "right" ...............then it will become second nature........................
So...........just how many different Girls do you have to sample now???? At the moment I have like 3............but that is about to change.....................