Looking green and healthy. Gave em 1/4 strength base nutes ( general hydroponics ) , a little molasses, floraliscious plus, and calmag. The taller one is asking for calmag so it seems to be just the right time to start nutrients

they've got the same amount of nodes but the one on the left has a super tight structure, leaving very little space between nodes

Freshly Topped . I didn't top the short one.. my gut says not to

Look how compact she is!
Nice structure . This is a very premature guess but i get male vibes from this taller one. Males usually grow tall and aggressively like this one
I do wrap tissue around the cups so the roots aren't being hit with direct light but it does seem to be air pruning. This is good news since i didn't know if this would actually work . This will give me a more fibrous root which is what i was looking for.. the root prunes itself once its exposed to air.. the part in the dirt branches off hence a more fibrous root allowing better absorbtion of nutes and oxygen . Cheers!