12/12 from seed pros and cons


Well-Known Member
so im thinking about growing 4 "blueberry" 12/ 12 from seed to harvest

anyone ever done this? if so, how big will the average plant be and what yeild can one expect from one plant?
does the cons weigh more than the pros?


Rebel From The North
from seed it would be along time to get some smoke, plus the cost of the seeds might not make it worth the little bit of product. ive done it from clone and
got a nice ounce plant one center cola. plus the posability of males, if I had to guess id say twice what a clone would so maybe 1 1/2 ounces just a guess
the more I think of it i think more cons than pros good luck il be watching if you do it


Well-Known Member
If I were to go 12/12 from seed i would grow a sativa hybrid, indicas will not get very big especially with no veg and blueberry has high percentage of indica and will probably stop growing once flowering is brought upon.Sativas or sativa hybrids tend to grow more into flowering, so a bigger plant would be created. You won't see any smoke until 3 months or so still , the plant will usually grow 3 or 4 sets of nodes before sexing and that will usually take 3 to 4 weeks 12/12 from seed. Hope that helps!


Well-Known Member
you should look up a user called del666 hes in the uk thread mainly but has plants from seed with huge buds. after seeing them im tempted to try it myself.