12/12 from seed


New Member
depending on wether height is an issue flower straight from the moment they break soil it will take em a while to get started anyway anif you give them 3 weeks veg you could end up in reality giving them about 5 and ending up with triffids if time is a factor you will be getting roughly an oz a plant of some prime bud and smaller plants finish quicker and more even results in strength and flavour


Well-Known Member
if your ganna do 12/12 from seed my advice is dont do bomb buds, do the less quality one's first therefore you don't waste a good seed for a 1/2 oz when you can just keep it mother and just clone it again and again and get quality buds.


Well-Known Member
Well i read all ur opinions, and i decided to vegg them for 1 week, thats the max time i can spent. Then i hope my plants will be finished in 7-9 weeks. I'll post some pics as soon as i start. TY


Well-Known Member
i usually do 8 week flowering strains and mine normally take a total of 12 weeks. even if they are 12/12 from seed or vegged three weeks they still take 12 weeks. now if your strain finishes in 6-7 weeks you might beable to pull off 10 weeks from sprout. currently im looking into a couple strains that are 6-7 week flowering strains. hopefully they will save me a week or so. peace.


Well-Known Member
How high are ur plants??? Looks to me like my 70cm (3ft.) growing closet wont do the job. Beside i plan to use HPS lamp, which should be in some good distance from the plant. What do u guys think?


Well-Known Member
i use a 1000 watt hps bulb as well i keep it anywhere between 18-24 inches... any closer can burn it... make sure to use a blower if its hot... my gets very hot i use a fan and a blower to keep the heat out


Well-Known Member
Do you think 50% were male because of th 12/12? Why would you grow that way? You only thing is your yield will be less


Well-Known Member
Veg for a week is not even worth the the trouble. Just go to 12/12 and wait. You need some plant to grow buds. Iam confused why it is so hard to understand?


Well-Known Member
the reason why it turns to male has nothing to do with the light cycle... if you leave the light to 18/6 it will still be a male regardless the only way you can get 100% females are from clones which you already tested... or from feminized seeds, even then there is a slight possibility that you will get a male or 2


Well-Known Member
Actually veggin for a bit is worth the trouble your plants get alot bigger and stronger and you yeild alot more as you can see in these 2 pictures

and i have been in the veg cycle for about 1 to 1 1/2 months now


Well-Known Member
I'll vegg them for a week anyway. I thing 18h of light for a week will get them mature faster then 12/12 cycle. And btw, can i water the plants with bottled sparkling, Co2 water??? lots of minerals in there, i dont wanna use nutes.


Well-Known Member
Can i transfer to a bigger pot while flowering, or sooner, during 12/12 when first indicators for sex show up??


New Member
pot up at least two weeks before switching to 12/12 as it needs time to recover from the stress:)


Well-Known Member
yeah dont do it during the bud stage, it may fuck up its maturing. it needs plenty of time to get over the shock/stress of a transfer... my 2 cents is that if your growing do it in 5g bucket or higher. therefor you dont need to transplant or do anything... and the best soil that ive used so far is foxfarm but i know there are other brands out.


Well-Known Member
I have 5 girls under 12/12 from seed. 4 are all under 20 inches, but I have one that's been officially flowering for about a week now, and she's already 26 inches. She has about 14 budsites. A true monster in the making. While I think the results will be good, I probabaly wont use the method again. I'll probably veg them out for 4-6 weeks from now on.