12/12 fs auto


Active Member
of course you could...but your yield would be garbage...so i heard...but i'm doing a test with an auto 12/12fs so i guess ill let you know...i think someone else has done it just can't remember what strain they grew out...i'm testing this out on a vertigo from paradise seeds...i grew them outdoors and they didnt yield much for me but they only received 6 hrs of direct sunlight everyday..but this is only a test so i'm not too worried about it


Well-Known Member
I have a Northern lights auto from Nirvana in 12/12 flower room. Couple reasons: Its my first auto and I figured it would rather be in the flower room with 2000w than the veg room, which is only 400w. Would I get more bud in the veg room because theres more light hours? Or more in the flower room for more watts? I dont know.....


Well-Known Member
Yes but why would you? :?:
I guess it's all about cost cutting and making as much profit as possible? Running the light on a 12/12 will cost less than running it on 18/6 or 20/4. Street dealers I guess rather than personal growers.


Active Member
Null hypothesis:

12/12 fs might be a better gram/watt hour but less grams/day - personal vs commercial. I say 'might be' as I have not tested this.