12/12 or 10/14?


Well-Known Member
Hi all, just a quick question my lights are on a 12/12 cycle and my plant has been flowering for 5 weeks today. My plant is more indica than sativa so i'm guessing flowering will be complete in about another 3-4 weeks.

My question is do you think it would be wise to change my light cycle to 10/14 or something similar giving my plant a longer dark period?

I have read that the plant will flower faster but it will also reduce overall yield, What would you guys an gals do?


Well-Known Member
If you want to try something new out, and know for yourself what you'd prefer, then by all means.

If you want to yield to most you physically and possibly can and you don't care about experimental conditions or learning anything specific (such as 10/14 or 12/12), then I would stick with 12/12. guarnetee'd results.

If you don't care, try 10/14 out.

It depends on what YOU want to get out of growing, if its just some pot to smoke then 12/12 my man. Whereas other people would be inclined to try merely because of learning.



Uses the Rollitup profile
Well, in Marijuana Botany it says that by providing 10 hours of light/day will produce 50 percent less THC than with 12 hours of light/day.

HTH :mrgreen:


Mr I Can Do That For Half
12/12 for me and those indics should be done before sativa's.Depending on your growing conditions 5-8 weeks for a indica is the usual.8-10 for sativas


Active Member
don't screw with the plants dark cycle , I have gone as extreme as 22-12, have since cut back to 18-12, go to overgrow.com and look in the faq's. it took me 2 years to finally try it, when I did finally get another room online I did it, I saw positive results, 3\4 lb more off of identical 1000wt- 5x5 -foxfarm fed boxes of clones, no hermies, no seeds, I have been hooked ever since


Well-Known Member
im pretty sure overgrow.com is shutdown now... :'(

this site is pretty sweet though, lots of experienced growers