12/12 to 24/0 would it cause stress


Active Member
a guys and ladies i was just wondering. i have put some bagseed in 12/12 about 7 weeks now. i just like how they grow so i want to turn them into mothers so i put them in the veg room would this be ok


Well-Known Member
from my understand your saying you had them flowering for 7 weeks, thare almost done , I would just wate 3 weeks cash out, and start new seeds, ive seen people flower for 2 weeks and flowers are showing , never seen any body replace them into veg, after that. fill us in if you reveg them I wana know what happends to them


Active Member
from my understand your saying you had them flowering for 7 weeks, thare almost done , I would just wate 3 weeks cash out, and start new seeds, ive seen people flower for 2 weeks and flowers are showing , never seen any body replace them into veg, after that. fill us in if you reveg them I wana know what happends to them
no what am saying they are bagseed that started from seed for 7weeks in 12/12.i like there grow pattern how they 2 plNTS RESPOND TO FIMMING, LST AND SUPERCROPPING NOT TO MENTION PEST RESECTANCE . SO I AM TAKING THEM AND BUT IN THE MOTHER ROOM UNDER 24/0 LIGHTS . MY QUESTION IS WOULD IT BECOME STRESSED