12/12 under CFLS after 4 weeks of veg


Active Member
veg for longer you will get more bud. penis
for your information i chose to only veg the plant for 4 weeks before flowering as an experiment,
the way a lot of people CHOOSE to go 12 /12 straight from seed except i gave it the 4 weeks veg as a "head start"
thank you and good day, mr penis.


Active Member
can i use a 100 watt daylight cfl for 1 plant for veg then 300w cfl blue and red for flowering its going to b my first time growing i just need a bit of advice using cfls thank u


Active Member
Many problems to this grow.

1) Who said you can go 12/12 from seed to finish? WHO???? You have been sadly misinformed, and it shows by how sad your plant looks after 4 weeks. Erysichthon was right. The only strains that handle a constant lighting cycle (same cycle) from start to finish are autoflowering strains, and even those require 18/6, 20/4, or 24/0 depending on who you talk to. 12/12 is definitely not enough, unless you want to spend a year to get meager amounts of bud.

2) You need to do some more reading before you disappoint yourself. Vegetative phase is required for plants to grow their stems, leaves, and roots. People start flowering once these are established.

3) I can tell you right off, that if you continue with what you are doing right now, you will be lucky to get one good joint out of that. Good thing you aren't growing an autoflowering strain (or are you?) or else you'd probably be screwed already. You will want to change your lighting cycle back to 18/6, with 6000K CFLs for veg, and you need to really get a bigger pot. Also, MORE LIGHTING. You don't have enough lights, and that's probably the main reason your grow is so slow.

4) I am appalled no one is telling you you're messing up. Oh well.


Well-Known Member
Grow bananas,

Looking good man. Just keep after it - you will learn more every day.
Won't be long and you will be ready to start your next big adventure.


You sure are rude and overbearing for someone who knows nothing about growing.
I read your grow journel, and looked at your pictures - and you think you are an expert?


Active Member
Right, I'm not an expert, but I know enough to realize he's making some noob mistakes. At least I'm actually trying to help him, you're just smiling and nodding ("big adventure", I like that, spoken like a true stoner...) - you mean you agree with what he's done, and you have no questions to ask after seeing a "4 week veg" look like something grown under an iPod backlight?

I had that tone with him because of the idiotic way he replied to Erysichthon, and the obnoxious font size changes in his posts are just :wall:.


Many problems to this grow.

1) Who said you can go 12/12 from seed to finish? WHO???? You have been sadly misinformed, and it shows by how sad your plant looks after 4 weeks. Erysichthon was right. The only strains that handle a constant lighting cycle (same cycle) from start to finish are autoflowering strains, and even those require 18/6, 20/4, or 24/0 depending on who you talk to. 12/12 is definitely not enough, unless you want to spend a year to get meager amounts of bud.

2) You need to do some more reading before you disappoint yourself. Vegetative phase is required for plants to grow their stems, leaves, and roots. People start flowering once these are established.

3) I can tell you right off, that if you continue with what you are doing right now, you will be lucky to get one good joint out of that. Good thing you aren't growing an autoflowering strain (or are you?) or else you'd probably be screwed already. You will want to change your lighting cycle back to 18/6, with 6000K CFLs for veg, and you need to really get a bigger pot. Also, MORE LIGHTING. You don't have enough lights, and that's probably the main reason your grow is so slow.

4) I am appalled no one is telling you you're messing up. Oh well.
What are you talking about? I've never done a 12/12 grow but many growers do 12/12 from seed and have perfect small bushy plants, you wont get as much bud as people who go 18/6 prior to 12/12 but it's still viable. And for your information autoflowering strains can go under ANY light schedule they have an internal clock that will make them start showing sex regardless of light at around week 3.

If i was the OP though i would put it under 18/6 for at least 2 weeks if your lookin for a fast yet decent yield grow


Well-Known Member
@dancingshrooms: "Who said you can g 12/12 from seed to finish?"

I say so, and I have done so many times, and with great success. It is YOU who is misinformed, but even more sad, is the fact that you argue saying it cannot be done. Giving bad advice and all. Guys like you pretend to know what they're talking about, but prove otherwise just as soon as they make comments like the one you have made here. YOU should do some research first before posting such garbage as you have posted here. If I were an administrator, I would ban you immediately, before you give anyone else bad advice, or incorrect information. Shame on you. lolz

Good day. :)


Well-Known Member
why not 18/6, if you continue 12/12 your results will be disappointing.
Not if you know what you're doing. Obviously, YOU do not know what you are talking about. Do your research first, then you may comment as someone knowledgeable without making yourself look like such a tard just as you have done here.

Simple rule of thumb: If you do not know the answers, shut yer yap. End of.