12/12 vs Veg and Flower


Active Member
Pic 1 is of the 2 together. Foreground is plant C. The 12/12. One thing I have noticed, the fan leaves on C have 5 leaves while plant E has 7-9 leaves. Plant C is 39" and has basicly stopped getting taller. C is just over 2' wide. Plant E is now 33" and growing at nearly 1" a day. E is slightly under 3' across. pic 2 is plant C and pic 3 is E, both from above. I'd say C is 4ish weeks to harvest while E is probably nearer to 8 weeks yet.



Active Member
here they are side by side. C is actually about 1" taller than E. You can see the spread on C is smaller than E. About 2' for C to 3' for E. Pics 2 and 3 are the tops of C and E. It should be obvious which is which. I figure about 3 weeks for C yet and 5 for E. We'll see. The last pic is my bagged male. A couple more days and I'll harvest him and pollinate a branch or 2...



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Not alot to say about the changes this week. The buds get bigger. I've included a couple shots of the buds from the 12/12 plant just to show developement. Some very early signs of aging but I've really no idea how long to harvest... My notes show that we are 6 weeks since bud started forming (flower) average times for kush, 7-9 weeks I think.



Active Member
No pictures this week. They just got a bit larger. I'd say that the 12/12 plant, now having flowered for 7 weeks, is showing 7-10% darkened pistils so a week? 10 days? The veg and flower plant is 2 or 3 weeks behind that. I'd have to look it up. or you can...


Active Member
there is now a very definate difference between the 12/12 hps and the veg mh. The veg plants e-f are larger with more developed leaves and branchings. The 12/12 have been giving me some trouble with yellowing lower leaves. While the temp difference between the 2 locations is only a couple degrees it is possible (not likely) that under watering may be involved. I have started using the watering meter every day. Advice on the sad 12/12 plants gladly taken.
The yellow leaves are what happens when the plant is trying to flower...its normal


can i turn the light off for a week to induce budding on my plants i haerd that you could but i want to make sure?


Active Member
pretty good grow but i think you should have got bigger buds from using a HPS light. i get that much off growing with CFLS:leaf:


Active Member
So we just have the veg and flower plant left. She's about 42" tall and 45" across. The pistils are just reaching that point where my limited experience says I might be ready to harvest. In my limited experience this really means a week or so...



Active Member
I chopped down the veg and flower today. Looks like it should dry out to around 2 oz. I'll get back in a week or so when this is dried out and post the summary of this comparison. It has been very interesting to me and I hope you've found it useful.



Active Member
So here is the wrap up. The veg and flower plant dried out to 25.5 grams and the 12/12 from seed dried to 17 grams. There did not seem to be any significant difference in maturation rate. Had I move the veg and flower 10 days earlier I could have harvested both at the same time.
The 12/12 plant did just fine with 1 light and a fan. Very simple grow. The V and F used more equipment and space and rewarded me with a higher yield. The buds from these 2 grows is identical as near as I can tell. Density, smell, taste (sweet) the same.
I am not an experienced grower and did this grow as part of deciding how I want to set up my perpetual grow. The plants were treated in the same manner at all times with the exception that I switched the 12/12 plant to veg nutes a couple weeks sooner.
There does not seem to be a lot more to say. The facts seem to speak for themselves. 12/12 uses less space and grows a smaller plant with less equipment while veg and flower needs a little extra equipment (as little as a bulb change) and grows bigger with higher yields. So to me this issue comes down to this: How much room do you have? Thats about it. I can see the advantages in stealth but I happily don't have that problem.
What do I plan to use? Veg and Flower but recent experience has me in love with cfl for veg...

Hope someone finds this useful someday.