12 day old seedling leaves sticking straight up


My seedling is 12 days old and the first set of the biggest have been stuck sticking upwards for the past 4 days now. I read some where that they could be reaching for light but i have 2 23 watt cfls on them. I also read that it coulb be from lack of ventalation so i move them to a bigger room and put a fan on them with the window open. I also noticed that there was so slight browning on the edge of the leave before i moved them, but after i did it stopped browning 4 days later nothing much has changed. I could give pictures but the plant looks pretty straight forward leaves up with browning on the edge. Im not sure whats going on


how far you got those cfl's from them?they need to be in pretty close....
i had them around 1 inch from them for the first two days i was trying to fix them, after that it didnt work i tried to put them a little farther away, around 4 inches


Active Member
keep them 2-3 inches from your bulbs. Too close burns them, too far stretches them. I'm fairly confident you're just going from burning to stretching